3 Unusual Tips To Lose Stomach Fat And Get Flat Abs Fast

When you think of 3 unusual tips to lose stomach fat and get flat abs, what do you picture? Most would say a gadget or 10 min routine you can do everyday that will pop a couple abs on your belly?

Am I right?

Well, I'm not going to do that. In fact, I'm going to give you some pretty bare and, yes, unusual tips to lose that stomach fat. The first comes in the form of eating high amounts of good fats. Now, what I'm going to say might be a little controversial maybe even a little edgy but follow me here...

Eating whole eggs and fatty meats don't make you fat. In, fact they do the exact opposite. Take for example whole eggs, preferably the Omega 3 eggs, are one of the most nutritious foods in the planet.

They are loaded with proteins, amino acids and lots of vitamin E. Plus many more nutrients and minerals that would take a whole other page to explain. And the myth about egg yolks raising cholesterol is true... They raise your good cholesterol! Your body needs cholesterol to operate if you don't feed it cholesterol your body will create its own.

So eat your whole eggs frequently and you will see great results in losing stomach fat. Next big tip revolves around eating beef! Now, most beef is really unhealthy for you and contains hormones and all sorts of other junk! Don't fall into buying that junk, instead buy grass fed organic beef. Grass fed beef is very different in profile.

Grass fed beef has high amounts of CLA, which is a trans fat that is so effective at burning fat that supplement companies have started mass producing it and selling it all over the world. So add grass fed beef to your diet to lose stomach fat. My next unusual tip has to do weight lifting.

Don't do traditional ab exercises or any stomach exercises! Stick with lifting hard and heavy. Keeping your sets between 4 to 6 reps. This will stimulate the most muscle fibers possible. Which will build you a solid base of muscle fibers, sky rocketing your metabolism because muscle is the #1 factor in how many calories your metabolism will burn.

All these unusual tips are very non-traditional but they all serve one purpose, to raise your metabolic rate so you burn tons of calories after you are done working out for days, weeks and months. Allowing you to lose stomach fat and finally get some flat abs.

I prepared a valuable report on how you can use simple tactics, like these, to lose stomach fat quick. Without strict dieting or crazy workout routines, visit: http://TheLoseBellyFatSolution.com


Daniel Dash

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Dash