In his controversial "Holy Grail Body Transformation Program: How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time", Tom Venuto - my good friend and well-respected fat loss expert, fitness trainer, and natural bodybuilder - takes on one of the most thoroughly discussed controversies in mainstream fitness circles in this day and age: how to lose body fat and pack on muscle mass at the same time (which he has named the "Holy Grail" of body transformation).
One thing that sets Venuto's "Holy Grail" apart from other fitness e-books is its urgent call to move the debate away from weight loss, which involves a loss of muscle, water, and important lean tissue, to realistic body transformation goals. Defying the huge "diet" multinationals (you know who they are!), Venuto recommends choosing one of the following four (4) goals instead:
1. Focused fat loss (Recommended for overweight people.)
2. Focused muscle gain (Recommended for skinny people.)
3. Fat loss as first priority, with concurrent muscle gain as a secondary goal.
4. Muscle gain as first priority, with concurrent fat loss as a secondary goal.
The "Holy Grail" presents a detailed, integrated plan for achieving each of these goals with appropriate combinations of training, diet, nutrition, and recovery time. All in down-to-earth, easily understood language, something you won't find in other mainstream health and fitness books today.
"Timing is everything"
Some people are blessed with respect to current age, genetics, previous fitness experience, etc. that give them a leg up in the muscle gain and fat loss wars. In "Holy Grail", Venuto quotes a study where sedentary, overweight males made tremendous gains over a 14-week period (on average, a gain of 9.5 pounds of muscle mass; loss of 16.3 pounds of body fat) using a very ordinary resistance program and "boring" steady-state cardio.
Life just isn't fair!
However, by altering our definition of time, Venuto demonstrates how people can manipulate "controllable" factors like caloric intake with carbohydrate cycling. As he states, our bodies are in a constant state of flux (caloric deficit, caloric surplus, protein synthesis and breakdown etc.). Our job is to intelligently pursue our goals over days, weeks, and months - whatever time it takes to achieve them.
To learn more you can read my Holy Grail Transformation [] Review
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