Because more protein is needed for Muscle Building, most people tend to neglect carbohydrate foods. Also some people avoid carbohydrates because they were told that it will make them fat. If you want to build muscles effectively, you must eat them because they provide the energy needed for your workouts. They act as fuel for Building Muscle, so if you don't add them to your meals, you won't have the strength and stamina to do your routine. If you are fat, you still need carbohydrates but in a smaller quantity so that your body can completely use it up during your workout.
Carbohydrate foods are processed by the body to sugar which is used up by the body as fuel during your workouts. Without this fuel, you won't have the stamina and energy to do your workouts extensively. It is recommended to take little of carbohydrates during meals so that you will be able burn it out completely during your routine. If you eat too much of it and are unable to burn it out, it will be stored in your body as fat.
Also take note that it is better to consume natural foods rich in carbohydrates than eating processed foods. Sugar from processed food is not healthy for your body. Also take note that some carbohydrates contain more calories than others, so you will have to include the ones with low calories in your meals.
Some of the carbohydrate foods that contain low calories include:
- Brown rice
- Whole Wheat bread
Avoid foods like, white rice, yam, cassava and starchy foods, eat very little of them once in 2 days.
Also you should eat fruits as they contain natural sugar, but do not eat too much of them, avoid orange juice, soft drinks like apple and pineapple Juice.
Most people spend hours in the gym and are unable to grow muscles because they fail to realize that their body needs carbohydrate foods for energy. If you do not include carbohydrates in your meals, you could spend hours in a gym daily and still achieve nothing.
If you are slim, your meals should contain 50 percent carbohydrate, 40 percent protein and 10 percent fat, your body needs more of carbohydrate foods to provide more energy for your daily routine. Since you have a slim body type, you will not easily add up fat if you workout often, you will only experience improved muscle growth.
The Author is a nutrition and Muscle Building Expert. You can download his e-book titled Build Real Muscles in Two Weeks from his website at Hot Muscle Building Tips by subscribing to his daily newsletter and also get more tips on Muscle Building Foods from him.
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