Double Your Muscle Mass Building Workouts Results

Having difficulty to simply get up and head your way towards the gym? Well, you are not alone. For most people, it takes a lot of mental energy and commitment to jump and move towards the gym on time. Muscle mass building workouts are demanding specially if you didn't master the strategy and effective, fast working set of weekly muscle building workouts which work for you.

But also, to show up is in the gym is only half the battle, because physically being present and being focused on giving 100% to your workouts is not the same. If you are getting little older (like me) and/or have to deal with every day duties and family life, to overcome this mental blocks is even more important to you. We all know that coming home after work and than having to deal with everyday house hold life is stressful and can really hinder your training progress. It is very difficult for most of us to jump on to muscle mass building workouts if you've put in 8, 10, or 12 hours at your work. I want to share with you something that can help you overcome this obstacle.

I remember clearly when I was just starting out going to my office work only problem I had with going to office every day was that it got in the way of my workout schedule. Before that, I simply took care about school work and trained. Oh, how I missed those days when I had all the time in the world and most of it was dedicated to working out. But then the things changed completely! I'm sure nobody has to explain how it feels to come home after 10 or 12 hour long working hours filed with stress.

Those first 5 or 6 weeks were ugly. When returning to my home, only thing I could do is simply collapse on the couch, dead to the world with no motivation to get up and head to the gym. But it was intolerable and soon I had to figure out a way to get back my energy level and enthusiasm. I was feeling death without my workouts! I somehow started again going to the gym and my muscle mass building workouts schedule was very bitter experience. This phases and forms of struggle I would not like you to visit even in your dreams.


One day as I came home from work as usual, but due to the electricity failure I was forced to take a really cold shower (I never did that before). As soon I finished, I realized a huge difference! I was super refreshed and ready to give my best and reach all goals I set on my weekly muscle building workouts. Cold shower woke me right up and I felt energized and refreshed.

Did you ever try this? You should try out this one simple trick to get your energy levels up. Yeah, it takes 10 minutes more of your time since most of us like to shower after the workout I know. If you try you will feel how powerful this is and what a boost it will give to your advancement.

This one is simple and simple things are the best ones. I still do it to this day before I work out. I'll take my pre-workout shakes 15 minutes before my shower and after I get out, I feel good and clean. My workouts are fresh and energized. I can thank to this same freshness of mind that I came to the perfect muscle mass building workouts system I was searching for myself. The way I look at it, is if you find something that works for you, use it and get the most from it. On some days I do skip my "cold shower therapy" because I don't feel so tired etc. But I can see, I always have a better workout if I take a shower before my workouts.

If you find yourself tired and lazy after a hard days work, try taking a shower before your muscle mass building workouts. I'm positive you'll notice a big difference in the way you feel before your workouts. Specially if you get to good effective weekly muscle toning workouts you will advance so fast just by applying this simple thing.

Muscle Toning is not hard and you do not need a magic pill in order to enjoy results - fast!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sasa_James