Abdominals: The part of the body which lies between the diaphragm and the pelvis. Attached to the sternum and the pelvis basin, its function is to draw the sternum and pelvic basin together.
This article discusses common abdominal workouts and why they are not really "abdominal" workouts at all. Let's start with the most popular of the abdominal exercises.
The full sit-ups: This exercise is not a "rectus abdominus" exercises. Its function is to help stabilize the trunk by static contraction. The Psoas Major and Psoas Minor, and Quadendum Lumbarum perform the work by pulling the body up.
Lets get to the second most popular abdominal exercise.
The Stiff Leg Raise: This is primarily a leg exercise assisted by the same muscles (Psoas Major and Psoas Minor, and Quadendum Lumbarum) that help pull the upper body to a sitting position. These Psoas muscles, by the way, attach to the upper thigh bones and both sides of the spine. Their function is to pull the upper body to a sitting position. In the leg raise, their function is to pull the legs up. Also, the Psoas muscles help to stabilize the hips and trunk when a weight is held overhead or upon the shoulders.
Based on the mechanics of what I explained above, I hope it is now clearly understood that the above exercises are not abdominal exercises. Neither of these exercise concentrate on the muscles we want to work. A few things to keep in mind when performing ab exercises in order to avoid common mistakes are discussed below. Let's begin with the basics. The most important thing when training abs is keeping the small of the back in constant contact with the floor, bench, or, table on which you are lying. When you arch your back, you will notice the stress on the rectus is relieved, and the work load is shifted to the Psoas muscle.
Another misconception is that abdominal work produces localized or spot reducing. Fast training, where heart and lungs are involved, only, will have any effect on your metabolic rate. This is the formula to burning fat. Emlusifying fat, means minimum rest between sets. Sometimes people rest as long as five minutes between sets. This type of workout does not produce definition. Proper nutrition is another factor that will produce fat loss. Maintenance of a caloric intake lower than the daily energy expenditure and reduction of carbohydrate gram intake, will save excess weight from dulling those six-pack abs.
Lesson learned? Do not labor under the delusion that abdominal work will cause a subcutaneous fat loss. TREAT YOUR ABDOMINALS LIKE ANY OTHER MUSCLE. Do no more sets and reps than you would on a bicep or tricep, etc. Add Weight by holding a plate behind your head. Keep your heart rate up during workouts, and watch what you eat.
John Cavaliere is a personal trainer who wants to bring the tapered look back. Gives help to those who needed, he is not afraid to speak his mind, and sometimes generate a lot of controversy among gym members. If you want to read more article like this one. Click here ----> Workout Tempo
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