How To Build Arm Muscle Quickly

Learning how to build arm muscle quickly can be a difficult process and there are no "magic" techniques that will give you overnight results. However, with a well balanced diet, a good exercise program and the right attitude you can build arm muscle quickly. In this article I am going to show you just how to build arm muscle quickly by using a time-tested program of diet and exercise that will give you the results you want.

Getting Your Diet Right

In order to build arm muscle quickly you need to get your diet right. This means getting the proper balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as taking in sufficient energy (calories) every day. The amount that you need to eat will vary from person to person but a man of average height and weight should aim for around 2500-3000 calories a day. Your diet should consist of approximately 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% good fats. Sources of protein are red and white meat, fish, milk and other dairy products and protein supplements (eg whey powder) Sources of carbohydrates are things such as brown bread, grains, oats, potatoes (eat sweet potato over normal potato as it has a lower GI level thus providing longer lasting energy) and pasta. Try to avoid refined carbohydrates and simple sugars from things like sweets and white bread. Sources of good fats (omega oils and unsaturated fats) are things like flax seed oil, walnuts and oily fish.

To eat properly you should have three main meals a day with three smaller snacks in between. Try to avoid all unhealthy foods (sweets, fizzy drinks, chocolate, deep fried foods, cakes etc) as these will cause you to gain unnecessary fat. If you find that you are struggling to gain muscle mass on a diet of 2500-3000 calories a day then start gradually upping the calories as you must get enough energy everyday to you to build arm muscle quickly.

Correct Weight Lifting

When it comes to learning about how to build arm muscle quickly, there are a few important things to remember. Firstly, DON'T OVER-TRAIN! You simply do not need to spend two hours a day in the gym lifting weights because you will cause too much strain on your muscles. Your body will become fatigued and you won't experience any muscle gains. To prevent over-training I recommend that you workout 4 times a week (2 times upper body for building arm muscle and 2 times a week for the lower body) A good program would be upper body on Monday, lower body on Tuesday, rest Wednesday and Thursday then upper body again on Friday and lower body on Saturday. This gives your body plenty of time to recover so you don't injure yourself.

As far as picking exercises goes you should focus on compound exercises such as dead-lifts, bench press, overhead shoulder press and chin-ups/pull-ups and then finish off your upper body routine with concentration exercises such as dips and dumbbell curls. You should use enough weight so that you can perform between 5-10 repetitions of the exercise in each set and you should do three sets for each exercise. Every two weeks you should add another 5% weight so your body is constantly challenged to grow bigger and stronger.

If you want to learn how to build arm muscle quickly then you must get your training routine right or you simply won't see the results you want!

Mental Success

When it comes to learning how to build arm muscle quickly it is also important to get the the right mental attitude towards succeeding. Tell yourself each morning that you can (and will) build arm muscle quickly and that you won't give up no matter how hard it seems. By preparing yourself well mentally it is far easier to achieve the physical results that you want. Also, don't give up if it takes a long time to see results because all your hard work will be worth it in the end!

Let's just recap on how to build arm muscle quickly! Firstly, ensure that you have a well-balanced diet with plenty of calories and protein. Secondly, make sure you aren't over-training and that when you do train you focus on compound exercises. Finally, make sure that you have the right attitude towards success so that the physical side of things becomes much easier. Thanks for reading and good luck!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_G_Jackson

How to Build Neck Muscle: Top Secret Advice Revealed at Last?

Have you ever wondered how to build your neck muscles? Your questions will finally be answered in this simple article that is all about it.

When you work on this area of your body you tend to look more intimidating and powerful to others. Read further on to learn the exact steps you should take to make this happen for yourself starting today.

A Few Benefits of Keeping this Area Strong

Did you know that by working on this particular area of your body that you protect your spinal cord and spine? You are also making the rest of your body look even better at the same time. There is nothing like having a nice buff body from head to toe.

Warnings You Should Be Aware of

Before you begin your new routine, you should seriously stretch out your muscle in this area. This is important to mainly avoid possible injury from doing such exercises on a regular basis. You should slowly rotate your head left to right. You should never rotate all the way back. This will help you to avoid pinching a nerve.

You should train this area totally separate from days that you train your legs, chest and biceps. This helps to keep you from possibly exercising when it is fatigued. Remember never sacrifice correct form for heavy weights. This will lead to only receiving half of the benefits that you deserve from doing these routines on a regular basis.

The following two exercises will help you with how to build neck muscles. These will allow you to focus on a full range of motion. Take your time with these and watch results come in only a few weeks.

Neck Extension

You will sit up straight in a chair with your feet firmly placed on the ground. You will place your hands on your forehead during this exercise. You will be applying a steady form of pressure with your hands. You will take your head from looking forward and pull it down until your chin is touching your chest. It is important that you perform this slowly to gain the best results.

Neck Flexion

You can remain in the chair for this position. You will once again have your head facing forward and then. You will slowly tilt your head looking upwards. You will place your hands on the back of your head this time for resistance. Perform this whole exercise slowly.

While this is a good start. There is much more you should look at before taking on such a task.

You may still have various questions. What about doing more cardio? How about special pills? How should I eat and how much at each meal?

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heath_Erickson

Muscle Building Secrets - 8 Top Secrets For Building Muscle Fast!

You may think that just by exercising more you are going to build significantly more muscle. Here you will find some of the best muscle secrets and there are some important things that you must know so that you can build muscle faster.

When starting a training program you should know which training methods will work best for you. If you do not train properly you may lose muscle instead of gaining muscle mass.

Top Muscle Building Secrets

1. When starting a weight training program you must realize that it is extremely important that you take timeoff after a hard training session. Every time you lift weights you are tearing microscopic muscle fibers. You build muscle when you rest and when you give these muscle fibers time to rest.

2. You must rest at least every other day when starting a weight training program. Working less in some situations can help you build more muscle than if you work more.

3. Stretching is extremely important when you are starting to lift weights. It is vital that you stretch before a workout as well as after a workout. You can severely damage your muscles if you do not take the time to warm up and stretch properly. Your muscles are extremely delicate and it is important that you prepare them for weight lifting by stretching. Damaging your muscles is horrible because it can take months for them to fully heal.

4. In any successful muscle building program you must keep track of the exercises you do. This way you can increase the number of repetitions that you do and also the amount of weight you lift during each repetition.

5. Some people even take a pad of paper with them when they work out so they can write exactly what they do. As a result, the next time you work out you will know exactly what you did the last time.

6. It is usually more beneficial to you if you work out for a shorter period of time at a higher intensity.There is no need to go to the gym for hours upon hours every day because you really only need an intense hour to get the job done.

7. One of the secrets for building muscle is that it's OK to lift lighter weights. Lifting lighter weights with more repetitions is the same as lifting a heavier weight only a few times. This way there is less strain on your muscles and your workout is more enjoyable.

8. It is important that you keep a positive attitude about your training sessions. Many people dread going to the gym because of the physical toughness that it takes. When you go to the gym you should think about how great you are going to feel after you go. You could even think about how great your body is going to look in a few short weeks.

Get the secrets to building muscle fast [http://buildmusclereview.com]. We've scoured every corner of the internet to find everything you ever wanted to know about building muscle quickly [http://buildmusclereview.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JD_Dean

Muscle Building Supplements - The Basics

The most commonly asked question I get is often the last question that should be asked. What supplements should I take to get stronger, to improve my fitness level, to get leaner? I am in no way against supplementation. I think that there are many good supplements on the market and I think that researching natural supplements and integrating them into our diets is far more beneficial than all the money we spend on prescription medication and drugs. That being said, even the guys at the supplement store will tell you that a supplement is just that, a SUPPLEMENT. It is something that you add on to a proper diet and exercise prescription, to intensify your gains. And yes, supplements work. But they work a hundred times better if you follow the proper protocols in the kitchen as well as the gym.

In this multi-part series of articles I will let you know what supplements are proven to be beneficial and why. I will cover supplements that promote both strength and health. I will be writing several related articles, starting with today's installment, Muscle Building Supplements-The Basics. I will follow with Muscle Building Supplements-Advanced, Top 10 Supplements for a Healthy Body, Top 10 Supplements for a Healthy Mind, and my final supplement article titled Energy NOW, will include a detoxification plan.

What makes our body strong? What builds our muscles and keeps them functioning properly? We are all aware that our muscles are made primarily of proteins and water. Many of us know proteins are made up of long strands of amino acids. But we have to understand more than that. What causes a muscular contraction? Why is increased blood flow important? When does overtraining strike? We will cover all of these things in this discussion and the articles to come.

In this first article, I will stick to The Big 3 for muscle building. The stuff that is proven to work and works well every time. The stuff with the most research behind it. Creatine, Protein, and Amino Acids.


Wow...this one is so simple yet so many people do not understand it.. I am constantly met with the accusation,"David, creatine is a steroid. I can't take that." I hate this statement, not just because it is untrue, not only because I am constantly assaulted with it, but because it shows that the person asking for my advice has no base knowledge of supplementation and has not done the proper independent research to warrant taking any product. For instance, when you buy a car, don't you research the car? Why would it be any different for something going into your body?

Creatine is not a steroid. Creatine or "creatine phosphate" is synthesized by the three amino acids methionine, glycine and arginine. It is made and stored naturally in your own body. In fact some creatine is even stored in your brain. Another interesting fact is that many studies have found creatine to increase brain function and memory in both elderly people, and vegetarians. Both groups improved scores tremendously on the IQ test, Raven test, and the cognitive memory test after supplementing with creatine for only a few short weeks. However this is not the conventional use for creatine.

95 to 98 % of creatine is stored in your skeletal muscle. The rest is stored in and synthesized in the liver kidneys and pancreas. But as most of it is stored in muscle, one can assume that the energy harvested from creatine consumption will be primarily muscular. But let's get to the interesting stuff.

Your body uses what is called ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate) for each muscular contraction. ATP is our main anaerobic energy store. Without ATP we literally cannot move. With each contraction of a muscle fiber the body uses a phosphate molecule from the ATP in use at the time. This converts our much needed ATP into ADP (adenosine-Di-phosphate) which is useless for muscular contraction. CREATINE TO THE RESCUE!!! Luckily our nice little store of creatine phosphate is hiding out in our skeletal muscle just waiting to be called in as re-convert it back into ATP. Since ATP is our fuel for muscular contraction, we are now able to continue using our muscles.

Another great thing about creatine is that it bypasses glycolysis. Which basically means it is capable of replenishing energy before reaching the Glycolitic or (lactic acid) energy stage. This helps to stop the body from assuming the acidic environment which is often coupled by intense exercise. In layman's terms, you won't get as sore and you won't feel as much of a burn as you are used to. There are really only two different types of creatine on the market and the best way to categorize them are fat soluble, and water soluble.

Water soluble creatine was pretty much the breakfast of champions for athletes all around the world for a very long time. It's proven, it's tested, it works. It also puts weight on you in about ONE DAY. The problem that many athletes have with this creatine is that the weight that it adds initially is water weight. This creatine is stored in the water in your muscles. For football linemen this may be fine. For a kid looking to put on a few pounds, go for it! But to a female looking to get strong while maintaining or losing weight, this is not the way to go. For an athlete looking to stay within the weight requirements of their sport, be wary. This creatine will add size and weight. Another drawback of the water soluble creatine supplements is the initial loading time. You are required to triple your dose for the 4 to 7 days to "Load" your body with this creatine. The problem is that the half-life of creatine is about 3 hours, so much of this is a waste of both money and time.

In my opinion, fat soluble creatine is a better way to go, unless of course you are looking to gain weight. But in my experience creatine should be used for strength gains rather than weight gains. Fat soluble creatine is stored in your fat cells, therefore NO BLOATING, and you are not required to take as much.

One last note on creatine. Ladies please do not buy into this "FEMALE CREATINE FAD." There multiple products out now that tout that their creatine is specially made for females. If you even read the article above you will know that this is stupid. My muscles work the same way as your muscles. We are both humans. So please do not buy the overpriced bottle of "FEMALE CREATINE" that has half the dose and half the servings. Just because the bottle is pink does not mean it is for ladies. Use your brain Stick to the good stuff.


Amino acids perform a multitude of different things in the body, from improving eyesight to building muscle. There are 22 standard amino acids, 9 of which are essential for humans, essential meaning that the body cannot manufacture it and it must be ingested. Because of the complexity of the structure, makeup and effect of amino acids, I will stick to the basics and tackle what are known as the BCAAS, (Branch Chained Amino Acids). These three amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These are the three amino acids most important for muscle growth and recovery.

LEUCINE or L-LEUCINE is an essential amino acid found in protein rich sources such as meat, dairy and legumes. While no concrete evidence has been brought forward suggesting that Lucien helps in the muscle building process, pages and pages of evidence suggest that it does prevent muscle breakdown on a grand scale and helps to regulate insulin levels while also stimulating growth hormone when taken in larger dosages.

ISOLEUCINE is another essential amino acid found naturally in many of the same foods as Leucine. While possessing the same abilities to repair muscle and prevent muscle breakdown as leucine, isoleucien also helps in the production of hemoglobin and aids the body in clotting injuries. Many surgeons recommend using isoleucine after surgery to speed the healing process. And because of its ability to promote hemoglobin in red blood cells, it promotes the carrying of oxygen to all of the cells in your body. Sounds pretty good for athletes, right!? Also if you are anemic and iron supplements just aren't cutting it, add BCAAS to your supplement plan and you will probably get some additional relief from their oxygen increasing properties.

VALINE is yet another essential amino acid found in protein rich foods. Valine is very interesting because it performs tasks so vastly different from the other BCAAS. While it does promote a decrease in muscle breakdown and an increase in muscle repair, it also has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. In fact it has been shown to improve both mental focus and function. Many people who supplement with valine report an increase of body awareness. Although I cannot think of a way to measure body awareness, I can say that I supplement with valine and it does help increase my positive energy and makes me feel more "alive". Valine has also been found to help detoxify the bladder and liver by removing excess nitrogen from those organs. Because of its detoxifying properties on the liver it has been used to treat people suffering from alcohol and substance abuse related health problems.


The big man on campus. He's the guy that you have to have on your team if you are going to win the battle against muscle loss and degeneration. In order to be considered a protein there must be an amino acid chain of at least 50 amino. So you can imagine the benefit of getting these proteins in your body when I just finished explaining the benefits of just 3 amino acids. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and you simply cannot expect to perform a high level of physical activity for an extended period of time, while trying to increase your gains without proper protein intake. If you are not consuming at least.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day, and you are performing a high level of physical activity, you are breaking down your muscles and will not be able to provide the proper nutrients for repair of the skeletal muscle tissue. I personally try to intake 1.5 to 2 grams per pounds of body weight. High quality proteins are found naturally in all meat, in dairy, legumes and some vegetables. As with all food it is best to have your proteins in the most bio-available form. This means as fresh as possible. Kill the chicken and eat it that day if you can. However since we sadly live in a world based upon convenience rather than health and wellness, we have been provided the opportunity to decide which type of protein powder suits our needs best.

Whey Protein- A protein derived from milk. This is a fast acting quickly absorbed protein that is beneficial for both pre and post workout meals. Before your workout you need the amino acid provided by this protein to help dilate veins and carry nutrients and oxygen to your muscles. Post-workout this protein is useful because of it quick absorption rate. Our muscles are very hungry and eager to rebuild after a workout so take advantage of whey.

Casein-This is a slow acting protein also derived from milk. It is what you would consider a nighttime protein. Take it before you go to bed and let your body be fed throughout the night. One thing to remember is to not take this protein during the day as it will block absorption of any fast acting proteins your body may be trying to digest during the day.

Egg protein- Another fast acting protein, this protein is used primarily by people who are lactose intolerant. Although some people say that this protein is more highly absorbable than whey, I haven't personally had that experience nor have I found any credible evidence supporting that statement.

Soy protein- In my opinion, don't go there. In America soy has been advertised as this super healthy food. Please do your research, as soy has been found to have many adverse side effects on children and adults including things like early onset of puberty, fluctuation in thyroid hormone levels, excess estrogen in men, and higher carcinogen counts in the body. Soy is advertised so much to the American people because it is a great filler in processed food, it is cheap and it is readily available. Please do not become a vegetarian and tell me that you will get all the protein you need from soy. You were born with incisors for a reason, you are an omnivore...please behave like one.

This concludes my article on the basics of muscle building supplements. I hope you find this informative and helpful. Part 2 will be coming out later in the week as well as the other articles that I have scheduled.

David Gentile

Owner/ Head Trainer

Primal Athletic Performance

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_A_Gentile

How Supplements Can Help In Muscle Growth

If you are serious about improving your physique you need to eat proper food and eat a balanced diet to develop muscle mass while burning redundant fat. However, rigorous training session can diminish the levels of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients from your body and obstruct the process of muscle building. Even with the excellent diet, it appears to be difficult to get the essential nutrients. The use of supplements is one of the best solutions for you. The best supplements for building muscle will help you to fill up the nutritional gap and help you to get the desirable results in terms of fitness and health training.


This nutrient is important because this mineral is found in the tissue of the body. It is an effective antioxidant that is effective in preventing cancer and is also involved in maintaining a perfect hormonal level that is essential for burning fat and developing muscles. Zinc plays a perfect role in synthesizing protein and maintaining an adequate level for releasing three types of anabolic hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and so on. Without sufficient levels of hormones, you should not be able to show improvement in muscle development.

Vitamin D

If you do not go outside in sunlight for at least twenty minutes in the noon you are unable to get sufficient amount of vitamin D. If you are deficient in this vitamin, then you may bring dangerous consequences for your body. This type of deficiency increases the chance of obesity, declines the muscle mass and makes you susceptible to diseases. Recent studies show that men with sufficient vitamin D have lean body composition, high testosterone levels, maximum percentage of muscle mass than people with inadequate amounts of Vitamin D.


If your body has adequate levels of magnesium then your body turns out to be suitable for athletic performance. Your body will be able to boost your energy and achieve muscular contraction. Research reveals that magnesium supplements increase production of red blood cells, increases zinc level to increase production of energy as well as muscular contraction and initiates removal of waste elements created by intensive exercise and allow your body to recover quickly.


It is the synthetic version of energy source that is naturally generated in the body as well as stored in the muscles to be quickly released during the exercise session. Recent studies highlight that this element is important for rapid growth of muscle mass after intensive exercise and contributes to fast recovery of the body. It is advisable to consume the normal dose of creatine of four or five grams per day after completion of a strenuous workout session. You can mix it with protein shakes for enviable results.


Multivitamins are considered to be the most essential nutrients for people who do not eat adequate amounts of fruits as well as vegetables. There are high quality multivitamin supplements that are available in the market. These supplements do not contain additional levels of iron as additional amount of this type of mineral can increase your scope of cardiac diseases.

Protein Pirates is a famous company that has been selling the best supplements for building muscle and other valuable supplements since 2013. The company is also known for selling the best supplements for bodybuilders and other vital supplements at reasonable rates.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Finch

Best Bodybuilding Supplements - Protein Supplements

Bodybuilding supplements are drug-like pills that athletes and bodybuilders take to help in building muscle. As the name implies, it should be used as a supplement and not as a replacement for food nutrients. When used in combination with bodybuilding exercise and adequate diet, they will speed up the body building process. They are also used to complement the nutrients that can't be gotten easily from the diet. The best bodybuilding supplements should consist of protein/ amino acid, glutamine, creatine, nitric oxide etc.

There are 2 basic types of bodybuilding supplements: exercise supplements and dietary supplements. Exercise supplements help to increase the level of nutrients in the body that can't be consumed normally. For example, creatine is produced naturally in the body but, not in adequate amounts for bodybuilders. The supplement boosts the level of creatine in the body and is enhanced by bodybuilding exercise. Dietary supplements merely help to boost the nutrients gotten from food intake. They include amino acid and protein supplements.

Protein supplements are the most important. This is because proteins are required in high amounts by bodybuilders. Protein is responsible for increasing muscle mass, repairing wear and tear on tissues and also, replacing worn out tissues. It can be taken in powdered or pill forms. It is best taken immediately after working out. The importance of protein intake by bodybuilders can not be over-emphasized because their muscles constantly undergo wear and tear due to the nature of the rigorous exercises they undertake. Protein helps the muscle tissues to grow and repair themselves efficiently. Adequate protein intake also helps the muscle to withstand wear and tear. Protein supplements can be found in different forms, and they are to be taken in different forms. Whey protein is easily absorbed by the body and is best taken after working out. Casein protein is not easily digested, so it should be taken at night before going to bed. Egg white protein supplements are easily absorbed, so they can be taken anytime, during the day.

The best bodybuilding supplements are the ones that contain all these types of protein. It is known as blended protein. Amino acid supplements are also essential because amino acids are building units of protein. It can be used in place of protein supplement. Glutamine supplement is a type of amino acid supplement, that provides the body with glutamine, which is also a type of amino acid.

Discover the shockingly best bodybuilding supplements [http://www.strictlybodybuilding.net] the expensive body building programs don't want you to know!Build Muscles quickly and more easily than you ever thought possible with the secret techniques revealed at [http://www.strictlybodybuilding.net]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_A._Smith

Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement: Whey Protein

The following article presents the very latest information on Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement. If you have a particular interest in Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement, then this informative article is required reading. The more authentic information about Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement you know, the more likely people are to consider you a Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement expert. Read on for even more Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement facts that you can share.

Whey protein is a greatest muscle Evolution supplement, and if you want sincere muscle gains, you should incorporate it into your diet. A quality source of protein, consuming just a small amount of whey protein ensures that you are able to receive your protein requirements. The biological value of whey protein is also high. This means that whey protein is perfect for building muscle tissue because of its high amino acid ratio. When whey protein is used to acquire your daily protein requirement, a higher proportion of the protein will be absorbed by the body and utilized by the cells. The immune system is also strengthened by this greatest muscle growth supplement.

Remember Quick Miss Muffet? Well, she decidedly knew a thing or two about the greatest muscle growth supplement because she enjoyed her curds and whey. The fact that whey protein is obtained from all-natural sources is what scores it a greatest muscle growth supplement. Whey is produced naturally as a byproduct in the cheese-making procedure. However, it contains a great deal of fat and milk sugar, or lactose, in its raw state, and it should not be consumed in this state. You acquire a very concentrated form of protein, which is one of the greatest muscle growth supplements, only after this raw whey is filtered to remove the fat and lactose through microfiltration or ion exchange.

So now you're all ready to add a few sincere muscle gains by grabbing a jar of whey protein. What's the correct whey protein to select? Concentrates and isolates are the two types of whey protein that are out in the market. The concentrate and isolate differ in terms of purity. An isolate is considered to be purer than a concentrate because it contains more protein and less lactose and fat per serving. A whey isolate contains 90 to 94 percent protein and is a greatest muscle growth; whey concentrates, on the other hand, contain about 70 to 85 percent protein. No doubt whey isolates also are costlier than whey concentrates. So now you're thinking that the isolate is the amended alternative because it costs more, correct?

Well, not exactly. Whey isolate is superb for who have gas and bloating issues after consuming whey protein or are lactose intolerant. Keep in mind that although the isolate is a Greatest muscle growth supplement, it doesn't necessarily produce improved muscle Growing than whey concentrate. Whey protein concentrates is as superb as and less costly than the isolate; however, it should be avoided by those who are lactose intolerant. When mixed, it also tends to coagulate and form large chunks.

You shouldn't drop off sleep over which kind of protein to purchase, because in the long run, they are both Top muscle Growth supplement proteins. Nutrition by protein is really very easy. If you are attempting to build muscle mass, make sure to eat between 25 and 50 grams of protein every three hours. The source of this protein might be a whey isolate, egg whites, fish, chicken, lean red meat, or whey concentrate. The source of the quality protein is irrelevant. Whey protein is an easy-to-use Top muscle Growing supplement.

Add a couple of scoops into your morning oatmeal, rather of cooking egg whites for breakfast. You can even replace meat protein with a protein shake, especially if you're in a hurry. Is there really any information about Greatest Muscle Growth Supplement that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

To get additional information about this top muscle growth supplement, check out the website below...

Want an unfair advantage in building the powerful, muscular new body you've always dreamed of? Visit the following website and gain instant access to a free Muscle Building downloads jam-packed with killer muscle building tips: [http://www.howtobebigandstrong.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shawn_Owen

Best Arm Workouts to Build Muscle Fast - Hardgainer Tips

Best Arm Workouts to Build Muscle Fast - Hardgainer Tips

How long have you been trying to get 'guns' with no success?

If you try to follow the latest arm workouts in your standard 'muscle mag', it's pretty hard to get the results you want.

You see, most of those pro bodybuilders you see in there are on 'the juice!' (steroids)

But don't stress - here are the simple, tried-and-true muscle building techniques that have allowed MANY ordinary guys to pack on some serious mass to their upper arms, WITHOUT drugs or supplements. Follow along and you can too!

First, we will look at the best upper arm exercises for gaining muscle.

Next, we will put these exercises together into a couple sample muscle building workouts.

Finally, we will touch on proper nutrition and rest, which are ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle.

So, let's get started...

Step #1 - Best Arm Workouts - Best Arm Exercises

So, if you want to get 'big guns,' you have to do hundreds of curls, right?


Isolation exercises are great once you have already established a base level of muscle mass, but until then, we want to stimulate the growth of our arm muscles by hitting them with HEAVY compound movements.

Heavy Weights Stimulate Muscle Growth

Your muscles will not be fully activated by an exercise unless the weight you are moving is heavy enough to require MAXIMAL EFFORT.

In one study, researchers found that most moderate intensity exercises only caused the medial head of the triceps to activate. It was only when the weight was dramatically increased that the lateral and long heads of the triceps were activated.

As a general rule, the more weight you are moving with an exercise, the more that weight will stimulate your muscles to grow.

So, for now, skip those triceps pushdowns and bicep concentration curls, and instead focus on close grip bench press, weighted dips, weighted body rows, weighted pullups, and heavy dumbbell rows (skip heavy barbell rows since they can place excessive strain on your lower back).

Step #2 - Sample Arm Workouts

Believe it or not, you should DEFINITELY include a heavy, total body lift such as the deadlift or squat in your workouts for the upper arm.

These lifts cause the body's anabolic (muscle-building) hormones to be released, priming your body to respond to the workout by packing on muscle mass.

Be sure to get some instruction in proper form (check YouTube for some excellent tutorials).

Workout #1

After taking 10 minutes or so to warm up (do some bodyweight squats, easy sets of pushups and pullups)

1. Deadlift - 2 sets 6-8 reps

2.a.Weighted Body Rows - 3 sets 6-8 reps (superset this with the following exercise)

2.b.Weighted Decline (feet up) pushups - 3 sets 6-8 reps (use blast straps, a suspension trainer, or rings for greater difficulty)

3. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets 6-8 reps

This workout is more geared towards the pushing movements, focusing more on triceps and shoulders.

Rest a couple days, and then...

Workout #2

Warm up, then...

1. Squat - 2 sets 6-8 reps

2.a. Weighted Pull ups - 3 sets 6-8 reps (superset this with the following movement)

2.b. Handstand pushups or Military Press (dumbbell or barbell) - 3 sets 6-8 reps

3. Hammer Curls - 2 sets 6-8 reps

As you can see, this workout is more geared towards pulling motions, and as a result, develops the biceps.

Ideally, you want to periodize intensity of your workouts as the weeks and months go by (and even during a week of working out). Do a Google search for "micro-periodization" for more details on how to plan this.

Step #3 - Rest and Diet for Maximum Muscle Gain

Proper rest and recovery is ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle with your arm workouts. Remember, you grow while you are recovering, not while you are working out!

One problem that many hardgainers have is NOT RESTING ENOUGH between workouts. So train hard in brief, intense sessions, then rest and let your body bounce back.


Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less than this reduces testosterone levels and thus harms your muscle growth.


Eat around 20 times your bodyweight in calories - if you are 150 lbs, eat 3000 calories per day.

1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb, as is getting 20-30% of your calories from fat and 2-4 grams of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight.

Keep track of what and how much you are eating so you can adjust your nutrition as you go along.

Summing it all up...

So, now you have a good idea of what are the best arm exercises for maximum muscle gain. You also have a couple workouts to try out, and know how to take advantage of diet and rest to optimize your lean muscle mass building.

All that's left for you to do is get out there and do it!

See how you can build lean muscle mass in less than 3 hours per week.

Download my latest ebook, No BS Muscle Building Secrets, FREE for a limited time.

Take care and good luck!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Nagy

4 Tips On How To Build Muscle After Weight Loss

Weight loss is usually accompanied by muscle loss which often makes you look slightly saggy which can make you insecure about your looks. The best way of regaining your confidence is by building muscles. The good side is that you can easily do this using the following tips.

Raising your calorie intake

The best time to build your muscles mass is immediately after you stop eating your weight loss diet. Here you need to increase your carb intake by 150 grams per day.

To ensure that you are safe, you should get the carbs from healthy sources such as high-carb fruits. Some of the best fruits that you should take are: bananas and pineapples. Other great sources of healthy carbs are: beans, peas, whole grain breads, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

Incorporating resistance training in your exercise routine

Resistance training has been found to be very effective in increasing the body muscles. For ideal results you should include exercises that target the large muscle groups.

Some of the great exercises that you should engage in are: pushups, pull-ups, lunges and squats. If you have access to dumbbells and barbells you should engage in exercises such as: chest presses, dumbbell squats, and upright rows.

To avoid burn out, you should do the exercises in sets and repetitions. Here you should perform exercises in two or three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

You should also avoid resting for long periods of time between the sets. For ideal results you should limit the recovery periods between sets to one minute or less.

Allowing rest days

For proper physiological response you need to rest after exercising. Experts recommend that you should engage in strenuous resistance training for two or three days and then rest for one day.

Eating supplemental protein

Proteins are very important in muscle building; therefore, you should eat plenty of them. It has been found that proteins contain a number of amino acids that combine to promote muscle growth.

For you to gain muscle mass you should consume 1-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you are unable to eat this number of proteins through balanced diet, you should seek assistance from supplemental protein powders.

These are tips on how to build muscle after weight loss. To ensure that you gain muscle the healthy way, it's recommended that you join a gym where you will work out under the supervision of a professional.

For more muscle building tips visit our online personal trainer or online fitness coach

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=P_K_Martin

Tips on How To Gain Muscle Fast

Have you been wanting to add some muscle mass or simply become more cut? Let us discuss a few tips about how to pile on muscle mass quickly.

Tip #1: You have to lift

Profound huh? The only way you're sure to add more muscle is to always lift and lift explosively. Lift the weight quickly and lower slowly. Gaining muscular mass needs the muscle fibers to tear and break down.

The only means to make this happen will be to apply force that is definitely beyond the bounds of the muscle comfort zone. If you happen to be only starting out with free weights, make sure you proceed S-L-O-W-L-Y. You don't want to rip or even pull a muscle. It's an extremely painful experience as it will certainly set you back several weeks or months based upon the severity of the injury.

Begin with lighter weight. Your muscles will likely be sore the first few work out routines so restrict work out routines to 1 - 2 times per week up until you build up to regular routine. Then you should gradually increase your workout frequency.

So make it to the gym or even grab some barbells, and dumbbells and go to train.

Tip #2: Perform multi-joint exercises

Singular joint exercise routines merely work individual muscles and therefore will not quickly build muscles. The solution to rapid muscle gains is training with heavier weight and singular joint exercise routines pretty much don't cut it.

You need to perform multi-joint exercise routines such as squats, dead lifts, and bench presses. Multi-joint workout routines enable you to make use of more heavy weight and work far more muscles by fifty percent the amount of time.

Tip #3: Lift heavy weight

To be able to build lean muscle, it is necessary to lift enough weight that ends in muscle failure at the end of each and every set. You need to be executing 3-8 sets of exercises with 8-12 repetitions per set. Be sure to lift sufficient weight that will allow you to maintain your good form for the duration of the exercises.

Tip #4: Eat a lot of nutritious food

It's extremely important to consume plenty of highly nutritious foods whenever you are working to build lean muscle mass. However don't eat useless calories for example commercially processed foods as well as sugar. You must eat healthy proteins for instance, free range chicken, grass-fed beef, healthy fat sources like avocados, coconut milk, and healthy carbs like yams, whole grains, and beans. To be able to pile on 1-2 pounds of muscle each week, you must intake at the very least 3,500-7,000 additional calories per week.

Tip #5: Supplement

In combination with good quality nutrition, muscle-building nutritional supplements put the icing on the cake. They support as well as greatly enhance the superior nutrition you are fueling your whole body with.

The ideal nutritional supplements to use to gain muscle really fast are 1 ) a superior quality protein powder, ideally whey protein.

Top quality protein powder is shown to increase fat-free lean muscle mass together with strength as well as 2 ) a testosterone maximizing supplement to naturally elevate the amount of free testosterone in your body. This helps with maximizing strength and performance.

Find out more about gaining muscle fast at http://www.mybestpreworkoutsupplement.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Pica

Mental Imagery Is The Super Secret Tip To Gain Muscle Mass


In any kind of sport mental imagery has to be used in order for the athlete to get the best out of their training, and eventually from that they will become successful. The athletes which get the fastest progress and eventually become the best in the world use mental imagery. Don't believe me, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger his extensive use of mental imagery led him to become the best bodybuilder in the world, actor and eventually governor of the state of California. To gain muscle mass fast you have to use imagination because doing that extra rep or set will make you grow, you just have to imagine it.

How To Do It:

Let's say you are doing dumbbell curls to make your biceps bigger, before doing your set you have to use mental imagery. Imagine your biceps as huge mountains with huge peaks, valleys and rivers flowing thorough it and with every single squeeze and rep those peaks, valleys and rivers grow bigger and bigger. You might think that using mental imagery is stupid, but without it your workouts will be empty. Without mental imagery you will not be able to progress each gym workout. Without mental imagery you will just be the average man or woman in the gym not progressing in terms of muscle growth, fat loss and so on.

P.S, below I will list what the mountains, valleys, peaks and rivers actually mean to me when I do any kind of bicep exercise.

Mountains: Represents the sheer rugged mass of my biceps.

Valleys: Represents the lean mass of my biceps and every single strand of the muscle fiber.

Peaks: Represents the massive peak of my biceps.

Rivers: Represents the veins on my biceps, they should be overflowing with blood and should be able to burst any minute.

Tom Platz Story:

Tom Platz is a man of his time, he was known to have massive legs due to his high intensity training and imagination which he used during training. For example, Tom used to wear high socks to trick his mind into thinking that his legs are shorter than they were. He also visualized his body as a piston, it should be straight and it should not clank and move around when he did squats. You see with his awesome mental imagery he was able to build the biggest legs in bodybuilding history. You too can also do the same, but you have to imagine it, don't give up!

Also check out my website for the latest no rubbish advice on bodybuilding http://nobullshitbodybuilding.wordpress.com. Thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Petar_Aki

Bodybuilding Tips To Help Achieve Your Ideal Body

Bodybuilding tips are important for anyone who wishes to achieve and maintain an ideal body. It is important that you get to set out a regular routine that you must follow so that you get to achieve and maintain the ideal body and body weight you've been wanting to have.

Therefore, there are tips that you need to remember especially if you are someone who is really serious about maintaining a good body figure.

First, you will need to find an appropriate FITNESS GYM that will give you the amenities you will need. If you opt to do your fitness program at home, you will need the proper GYM EQUIPMENT to help you achieve the proper fitness routine you will need to do.

Second, if you decide to use the gym as your workout place, you will need to find yourself a reliable GYM INSTRUCTOR who will guide and help you achieve a regular routine you can follow. However, if you are to do your workout at home, you will need to find appropriate FITNESS GUIDES that will help you map out a specific routine that will help you achieve the body and weight you want. It is important that you also seek advice from knowledgeable people who can help you achieve an appropriate fitness routine for you.

Third, you will need to achieve at least EIGHT HOURS SLEEP each day. This is most important because your body needs time to recuperate from the regular strain that you put it through during workout.

Fourth, you also need to stick into a specific DIET that I appropriate for your body type and your exercise routine, and also the daily usual things you need to do. You do not need to do any crash diets as these will only leave you hungry and may even cause you to eat even more than yo need the next time you eat.

Fifth, STICK TO THE ROUTINE. It is important that you get to stick to the routine so as to achieve the body or body weight you so wish to have. Many start a fitness routine only to leave it once they get to feel the strain it put into their daily lives. If you are serious about staying fit, you will need to faithfully follow your routine so as to achieve and maintain your ideal body.

It is important for anyone who gets to start a fitness routine to stick to it. It will take several days for you to feel the strain it puts on you and your muscles. However, that is part of the workout that you need to maintain so as to achieve the ideal body you want.

Start building muscles today! Read about some useful body building tips to help you out!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_A_Bradford

Bodybuilders Over 50 - Safe and Effective Bodybuilding Tips For Older Men Aged Between 50 to 60

Workouts and diet plans for bodybuilders above 50 are slightly different from younger men. Plenty of changes occur in a body due to aging. Their bones become weak which prevents them from taking up weights. The energy level also decreases due to aging, which mostly prevents them from high intensity exercises. Joint pains and injuries are the regular cause of worry for body builders over 50.

Effective Bodybuilding Tips for Older Men

* Healthy nutrition and well-planned workout regime can easily sculpt your muscles. The role of age is negligible in muscle development. You can easily flaunt a six-pack abs and woo girls at this age by including Nitric oxide in your diet. Nitric Oxide not only stimulates muscle pumping but also acts as an anti-aging agent.

* You should mostly concentrate in cardio and body weight exercises at this age. You should devote more than 20 minutes in cardio and body weight exercises. Workouts such as running, swimming, hiking, walking, push ups, dips and squats are mostly suitable for older men.

* You should maximum do 4 repetitions of every set of exercises such as bench press, lat pull ups, dumbbell press etc. You should never overstress your muscles during your workouts in order to avoid injuries. One should include Nitric Oxide supplement for increasing the endurance in his or her body for performing effectively in the workouts.

* Protein supplements helps in maintaining the energy levels in the body. You can combine them in your diet with Nitric Oxide supplements for rejuvenating the overall health. Before the discovery of Nitric Oxide supplements, bodybuilders mostly used Creatine. This supplement supplies enough oxygen and water to the muscles, which eventually pumps muscles. Unlike Nitric Oxide, Creatine lacks health benefits.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Symonds

Easy and Best Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

There are so many bodybuilding tips and free workout routines available on the web these days, and there is ever increasing interest of people in bodybuilding programs. Many people want to build muscle, but do not know how and where to start. Some people do hire a personal fitness trainer for this purpose, but many do it by their own and fail because of not having background knowledge, proper bodybuilding workout schedule and their set fitness goals. People start bodybuilding without any proper planning and quit quickly when they fail to get any results.

Here I am going to discuss some basic, but very useful bodybuilding tips for beginners, and I hope if followed in the right directions, can provide you great results.

Come up With a Plan:

Before starting any bodybuilding program, it is highly recommended that you should come up with a proper plan. Always set your goals realistically to make your bodybuilding program successful. If you set your goals unrealistically, simply you are setting up a failure plan for yourself. After setting proper bodybuilding goals, do stick to them and always try your best to follow them in the way they are designed.

Bodybuilding and Diet:

Almost all bodybuilding programs involve some strenuous exercises, so your body needs extra energy for such workouts and exercises. Diet plays a major role in the bodybuilding process, and you should eat healthy diet and supplements to fuel your body. Try sticking to whole organic foods which offer a blend of complex carbohydrates, fats and complete proteins. Nutrition affects almost every aspect of your lifestyle, so it needs to be balanced and coordinated according to your desired fitness goals.

Food Supplements:

Protein Intake

Protein is the most common supplement used for bodybuilding. One of the best things about protein is that it gets absorbed in the body very quickly. The high content of cysteine amino acid in the whey proteins makes them highly beneficial supplements for bodybuilding.

Testosterone Supplement

A high level of testosterone helps in burning fats and building muscles. There are so many natural ways to increase testosterone level in the body using supplements. Tribulus Terrestris, a natural herb, can boost testosterone level tremendously.

If you are going to consider supplementing your diet, keep it simple and always keep in mind every supplement has its own value. Soy, whey, creatine monohydrate, caseinate proteins, electrolytes, multivitamins and etc. are all great supplement options.

Train Your Brain Too:

The best athletes/sportspersons train their minds along with bodies in order to become successful. If you want success of your plan, you need to prepare yourself mentally too. Always focus on your goals and keep an eye on your short term and long term goals, and when following your bodybuilding workout schedule, only focus on your exercises both physically and mentally.

Do Variety of Trainings:

To make your bodybuilding program successful, keep on changing your training regimes instead of repeating the same workouts every time. Compound exercises, which involve at least two or more sets of your body muscle, are the best workouts for bodybuilding. These variety of workouts and exercises not only help you keep motivated and active, but also help in achieving your goals quickly.

Rest and Sleep:

Many novice bodybuilders always forget the importance of sleep and rest for building muscle mass. Your muscles grow when you sleep, so if you are not getting enough sleep you are not allowing your muscle to grow. Your muscles need some rest for wear and tear they get during your strenuous workouts and exercises. Simply, allow your body adequate sleep and rest during your workouts to make them grow in the way you want.

Consistency is the Key:

The last, but the most important bodybuilding tip is to be consistent no matter which bodybuilding program you are following and what goals you are going to achieve. If you are following all above tips, but not consistent in following any of them, you are simply wasting your time and energy. So, it is very important to follow your workout and diet plans regularly to make your bodybuilding plan successful.

Haitham Arifaki is an International Fitness Trainer for elite athletes, corporate teams, VIPs and beginners at Maximum Fitness, offering 10+ years of experience as a Fitness Specialist for clients including Celebrities and World Ranking Athletes. He has a proven track record of designing and planning fitness regimes for various sports professionals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Haitham_Arifaki

Learn How To Build Muscle - Bodybuilding Tips

Bodybuilding Tips - What are the Best Ways to Build Muscle?

Muscle growth, otherwise known as hypertrophy, is a highly discussed topic. Many of us work out to change the way our bodies look, but many people struggle with finding the right formula to build muscle fast. Building muscle fast takes the right weight lifting program coupled with the right cardio program, the right diet, and ample rest to achieve top notch results. Without the right combination, it can take much longer to see the changes you want. Before we get into the best exercises for muscle growth, let's talk a little bit about what actually happens as your muscle are growing.

What is Hypertrophy?

"Muscle hypertrophy is an increase in muscle fiber size, observed as a muscle achieves a larger diameter or cross-sectional area" (Kravitz). In other words, new muscle fibers are not created, rather the contractile proteins in muscle grow in size. Muscle growth can also occur with an increase in fluid interspersed in the muscle. This is known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. There is a lot more to bodybuilding and the science of muscle growth than this, but this is a simple explanation of what's happening to the muscles on a cellular level. Now that you have a basic understanding of hypertrophy, let's move on the top 3 bodybuilding tips!

My Top 3 Bodybuilding Tips:

1. Muscle growth, or hypertrophy, relies on three factors - mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. Mechanical tension is the intensity of the exercise. Muscle damage leads to soreness of the muscles, which leads to repair by satellite cells, which leads to hypertrophy (Kravitz). Metabolic stress (that nasty burn in the muscle) triggers hormonal influences which lead to muscle growth. To tie this in to bodybuilding tips, your workout should consist of exercises that yield these three factors. While each person's body is different, to optimize muscle growth, you need to find exercises that trigger all three of these events.

2. Maximal growth occurs between 80%-95% of 1RM. If you want to build muscle quickly, get rid of the 5 pound dumbbells and start lifting heavy. While drop sets or burnouts can be an effective part of your overall routine, you have to incorporate heavy lifts to stimulate muscle growth (mechanical tension).

3. Get enough rest and fuel. This is technically two tips, but I'll give you a bonus bodybuilding tip! Rest is seriously underestimated in the fitness world. By rest, I don't mean time between sets (although that is an important aspect of weight lifting). Muscle growth occurs outside the gym. Every time we exercise all we're doing is tearing our body down. If you don't get adequate (7-8 hours) sleep, you will stop seeing results. Hypertrophy can't happen if your body doesn't have time to repair. The same goes for days in between lifts. You should never work the same muscle groups two days in a row. If you want to exercise every day, set up a split program. For example, work the chest, triceps and abs on day 1, back, biceps and legs on day 2 and rest on day 3. Nutrient timing is also crucial to maximizing muscle growth. If you get in a badass workout and then wait 4 hours to replenish your body, you're missing out on critical growth times. It is absolutely imperative that you consume carbs and protein within the 45 minutes after your workout to see the best results. Muscle growth is a common goal for many people who exercise, however, few actually achieve the results they really want. As a trainer, I hear every day about how peoples' bodies have always been a certain way, or they just don't have the right metabolism to get good muscle definition, or a plethora of other excuses. While some of these may factor in to how easy or difficult it is to change their bodies, it's usually a lack of effort or know-how that leads them to failure. With the right workout routine in place, a proper diet, and ample rest, just about everyone can achieve the body they want with a little hard work and dedication.

So What is the Best Bodybuilding Workout?

The best bodybuilding tips I can give are great bodybuilding exercises. The best bodybuilding workouts utilize multi-joint exercises. Multi-joint exercises stimulate hormonal changes that increase muscle growth more than single joint exercises. For some examples, check out my article about the best full body exercises. Another good bodybuilding tip for your exercise program is to incorporate a lot of your larger muscle groups. If you really want to put on a lot of muscle quickly, target some of the biggest muscles like the chest, triceps, and lats. For example, the bicep is a much smaller muscle compared to the tricep, so if you want your arms to look bigger, be sure to hit your triceps!

For more AWESOME tips about nutrition, fast weight loss and how to maximize your workouts, check out my blog at http://www.yorkpersonaltraining.com!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_M_York

How to Get Ripped Abs Fast and Easily

Wanting to get ripped abs fast but just don't know how? Before you even think about getting that six pack going, you have to remember that no amount of exercise will ever do if you have a layer of fat covering all those abdominal muscles. You actually need to get your body fat down to ten percent or even less for the muscles to be seen and developed into world class washboard abs.

What is the best abs diet then? It all comes down to calories. Remember that it takes 3500 calories to burn a pound of fat. Take 3500 more than what your body needs and your body stores it as fat. So, you need to cut down on your daily calorie intake, pump up that protein, stay away from foods with highly refined sugar and saturated fat, fiber up your diet, and drink lots of water. Couple these with lots of cardio exercises and in the end, lose the fat, shed those pounds, and reveal the tight, tight muscles underneath.

After you have trimmed down that excess fat, you can now concentrate on building up the perfect six pack. There are a lot of abdominal training exercises that would do wonders for your would-be abs - crunches, reverse crunches, knee raises, side leg raises, side crunches, back extensions, the works. Working on your abs two to four days a week, every other day, doing four to five sets per sessions, and ten to twelve repetitions per set would definitely be a great start.

Through it all, though, you should not be expecting too much too soon. You just simply cannot spot reduce that belly flab or any other part of your body, for the matter. A week or a month's worth of exercise may not even yield tangible results, and if it did, there is still no assurance that you will be losing exactly what you wanted to lose in the first place. But you should not be too hard on yourself nor should you resort to pushing yourself even harder or worse, to the point of starvation.

Abdominal training, point blank, is hard and it requires a lot of imagination. But when you get comfortable with the routine, training your abs would become next to instinctive. So, just keep at it. With a little perseverance and a little more attention to detail, you will well be on your way to getting those tight, killer abs that could definitely turn heads around to a full 360 degrees. You are sure to get ripped abs fast!

Read this popular guide for killer tips on how to get six pack abs now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Darwin

How To Get Ripped Abs Fast? - Learn To Get Ripped Abs Quickly!

Do you want to learn how you can have ripped abs fast? Well, most people do, but you will realize that many are not successful in getting them. Studies show that only about 1% of people who want abs actually get the nice looking abs that they want, which is really an amazing statistic. So why is it that so many people fail despite putting in their very best efforts? The answer is because they do not have the right knowledge about how their abs should be trained.

1. How Exactly Are Ripped Abs Developed?

I know that one of my friends has a set of very nice six pack abs, even though he does not hit the gym as often as most people. It is just because he is quite thin, and his abs were nice and ripped. It was then that I spent time researching about abs training in detail, and discovered that a set of ripped abs can only be achieved when the body fat percentage is very low.

2. How To Effectively Burn Fat On Your Stomach?

I also discovered that many people who have at least done some ab training before already have ripped abs, except that they are hidden under a layer of stomach fat! The reason many people fail is because they focus their efforts of abs exercises, which are good for toning your abdominal muscles but very poor at burning stomach fat. If you have some abdominal training under your belt, you should really start focusing your efforts on doing exercises that help you lose overall body fat.

3. How Often Should You Be Training Your Abs?

You should not completely drop your ab exercises either. Perform only a maximum of 20 minutes of ab training at no more than 4 times a week. Anything more than that and your abs may become overworked.

4. What Type Of Exercise Should You Be Doing More Often Then?

The most effective fat loss exercise is high intensity interval training. It refers to start-stop exercise. For example, you could sprint for about 30 seconds, before slow jogging for up to 1 minute to catch your breath. Then sprint again and keep repeating this start-and-stop process for up to 10 minutes. This type of exercising is much more effective than cardio, and has helped me keep my abs in great shape until today.

5. Conclusion

If your body percentage is not low enough, you will never be able to get the ripped abs that you want. There is no need to completely drop ab training as you still need to tone them, but spending too much time of them will not help you lose fat.

Do you want to learn the fastest way to lower your body fat percentage and get ripped abs? Don't do it yet, not until you read the author's review of the Top 5 Six Pack Abs Guides on the internet now at http://www.review-best.com/six-pack-abs-guides.htm and learn why 95% of people fail with their abs training efforts. Also for a limited time, you can get a FREE e-course to learn killer tips to get ripped now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kenneth_Lim

3 Effective Exercises to Get Ripped Abs Fast

Although diet, nutrition and cardio is crucial to removing unwanted fat from your abdominal region, if you want ripped abs you need to strength and sculpt your ab muscles. In this article I outline 3 effective exercises to help you get ripped abs as quickly as possible. Each of these exercises can be performed either in a gym or the comfort of your own home. You may find it easier to do them in a gym if you do not own free weights or a workout bench as 2 of these exercises require either dumbbells or a barbell.

Dumbbell Pullover Crunches

This is one of the most popular exercises to get ripped abs that predominantly targets your upper abdominal region. To perform this abs workout, you will need a pair of dumbbells. When first starting out the weight of each dumbbell may range from 5 to 20 pounds, depending on the strength of your core. You should also consider your stability while performing the exercise. Opt for lighter free weights if you have relatively weak core muscles, preventing you from remaining stable and maintaining form throughout each crunch. Conversely, consider using heavier weights if you think your core muscles have already adapted to your current weight load.

This exercise to get ripped abs is similar to conventional crunches. However, they are more difficult because this exercise requires you to use extended arms as compared to typical crunches with the addition of weight. Imagine this as ordinary crunches that require you to carry dumbbells over your head. Having your arms extended requires the use of more abdominal muscle fibers by adding more resistance to the entire exercise. As a result, you can develop better-looking abs within a shorter span of time.

Barbell Roll Out

In contrast to the dumbbell pullover crunches, this exercise routine closely targets the lower abdominal muscles. It can also help you stabilize your core muscles. The initial position for this exercise is similar to that of a push-up and is quite simple.

Assume a pushup position while grasping the handle of a barbell on the floor. With your palms and knuckles facing down towards the floor, slowly roll out the barbell by extending your arms straight out bring your nose towards the floor. Once full extended slowly roll your way back up to the starting pushup position to complete 1 rep. If a barbell is not available, you may use circular dumbbells as an alternative.

To obtain the best results while performing this abs exercise, you should perform this exercise for 10 to 15 repetitions for 3 sets. Each repetition should be done as controlled as possible, with a maximum rest period of one minute in between sets.

Oblique Crunches

The final exercise I want to mention is oblique crunches. These are very similar to the conventional crunches and other exercises to get ripped abs. The only difference is the final motion of every exercise repetition requires a twisting action to either side of your torso. After lifting your scapula off the support surface, whether a weight bench or the floor, you have to twist your trunk a little so that you can target your internal and external oblique muscle groups. These muscle groups are located on either side of your trunk, right beside the rectus abdominis muscle group.

To get ripped abs fast and optimize the effects of oblique crunches, you have to hold the final position for approximately 2 seconds before lowering your back to the starting position against the support surface.

The tricky part in performing these 3 exercises to get ripped abs is you need to constantly observe proper biomechanics while doing them. Remember, bad biomechanics while performing abs exercises may cause injury and strain to your lower back and neck. To learn more about how to get ripped visit http://www.howtogetrippedquickly.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_McMannus

How to Get Ripped Abs Quickly

If learning how to get ripped abs is one of the most important priorities when it comes to your current fitness goals, than you need to understand how important your strength training exercises are and why you shouldn't overlook them.

Most people when they want to learn how to get ripped abs think they should spend countless hours in the gym doing nothing but ab work alone. You're about to learn why that is the furthest thing from the truth.

What a lot of people do not understand is the fact that when you are in the middle of heavy lifting with exercises such as, bench press, squats, lunges, and dead lifts, you are incorporating your ab muscles. If you weren't using your ab muscles you'd feel unbalanced and unstable which could lead to injury.

When learning how to get ripped abs you will learn that your abs will be utilized in every single exercise you do in the gym, so make sure you are using proper form at all times.

Another major factor on how to get ripped abs will be your body fat level. You will need to get your body fat level low enough so your abs are visible. You could do every exercise known to man to build your abs, but if you have a Hugh layer of fat covering them, than it won't make any difference.

Typically men will want to try to get their body fat levels under 10% and women will want to be around 15%.

So how does weight training help you learn how to get ripped abs? Simple, when you weight train it is one of the best ways to raise your metabolic rate, which helps you burn off that stubborn belly fat. The great thing about that is when you have a higher metabolic rate you burn fat not just at the gym, but all day long.

When you want to learn how to get ripped abs through weight training, you want to try your best at creating a training program based on only core, compound lifts. That would be lifts from bent over rows, dead lifts, squats, lunges, shoulder presses, and bench presses.

Why only focus on compound exercises when wanting to learn how to get ripped abs? Because these lifts will give you a far better whole body workout and save you from wasting time on only smaller isolation movements. By focusing on compound movements you will get that ripped look you are after faster than isolation movements alone.

Another factor you need to keep in mind with your goal of learning how to get ripped abs, is that having visible abs and strong abs can mean different things. If you do weighted ab exercises a lot your ab muscles can grow larger, which can give you the appearance of a wider waist.

Until you get your body fat levels down, you may just end up looking bigger in the middle, rather than being more defined with visible abs.

So how do you get ripped abs? If you want to make this goal a reality you have to do one thing; get your body fat percentage low enough to show visible abs. Well, that's great, but how do you do that? You need a solid lifting program and a clean diet.

Do you want to shortcut your path to success in learning how to get ripped abs [http://ripped-abs-now.com]? Then you need a program designed to show you how to simply & safely lose 1% body fat each and every week!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brent_Bonnett

Biceps and Triceps Exercises

If you are thinking of biceps and triceps exercises, these are exercises you do for your arms and you do a biceps exercise and then a triceps one without taking any breaks. You should do a number of three exercises for your biceps and three exercises for your triceps.

First of all, you do a little warm-up and then you start with the relaxation of your forearms for your biceps, doing a series of exercises with as many weights as you can, but you have to be able to do ten repetitions on your own. Then, you move on to the pulley, which is an exercise for your triceps, also doing ten exercises. This is when you take a break, after which you do two more rounds.

The next biceps-triceps super series consists of the bench exercises for the biceps and the horizontal push with a narrow grab for your triceps. Also, you do three series of ten exercises each.

Last but not least, you do dumbbell exercises while you're sitting, these being for your biceps and you do French pushing for your triceps. Just like with the previous exercises, you need to do ten of these without taking a break and do this three times.

At the end of this training session, your arms will almost explode. Doing this training session once a week and eating healthy, these super sets of biceps-triceps exercises can add one or two centimetres to the circumference of your arms in only two months. Good luck with your training!

If treadmill running machines attract you more, check out a Nordic Track treadmill or a body sculpture one on our website and start training!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_M.

Arm Exercises For Men - Killer Arm Workout For Men For Explosive Growth!

Arm exercises for men are some of the most important exercises that we do. While lots of people try to sell you the latest powders or shakes to add protein, they ignore the fact that good, quality exercise makes the difference between being ripped and not being ripped. Workouts for your arms are probably more important than other exercises because women say they instantly notice your arms when they see a man. If you have big arms then you are immediately deemed more powerful, attractive and you'll feel a lot better about your physique. I want to share with you the best biceps, triceps and forearm super-set arm exercises for men so that you can get bigger arm muscles as fast as possible...

First I'm going to explain some exercise theory that I learned when I was starting out. This stuff has helped me go from super-weedy to super-ripped. I mentioned super-sets. They are sets where you work all the muscles in a muscle group after each other. This actually helps you to gain 30% more muscle than if you didn't do them. 30% is a lot in the long term. After a month or two you begin to see how beneficial super-sets can be. Arm exercises for men are very important here because we want bigger arms. Women, on the other hand, should probably stay away from super-sets!

Arm Exercises For Men - The Muscles We Target

There are three main arm muscles that we're targeting when we do arm workouts. These are forearms, triceps and biceps. The best way to see any real gains is to do a super-set on each of these arm muscles. Therefore, our arm workout needs to be focused on the best super-set routines.

Arm Exercises For Men - Forearm Super-Set

The forearm is often ignored by guys who want to get bigger arms. But when you have big forearms you don't get the case of having big upper arms and weedy lower arms. These forearm super-sets shouldn't be ignored.

Forearm Workout Exercise 1: Seated Dumbbell Wrist Curl

For this exercise, sit on a workout bench and lean forward and put your arm flat on the bench between your legs. Your wrist and hand should be hanging over the side of the bench. Now you should take a dumbbell and curl your wrist. So you go all the way back back and all the way towards you (with your palm facing up). Aim to do 15-20 reps at high weight. Remember to use your weaker hand first, then match the reps and weight with your stronger hand. Move immediately onto this:

Forearm Workout Exercise 2: Seated Barbell Reverse Curl

This time kneel on the floor and put your forearms on the bench. Your palms face down and your wrists and hands are over the edge of the bench. Grip the barbell and allow your hands to drop, then raise them as far back as you can. That's one rep. Again do 15-20 at heavy weight.

You should do two sets of this forearm workout. (Remember: The arm exercises for men that I'm revealing cause muscle growth. If you're female then use light weights!)

Arm Exercises For Men - Triceps Super-Set

Lots of guys believe that biceps are what make your arms look big. In fact, 66% of what makes your arms look muscular is triceps. Here's the best triceps super-set that you can do for fast, explosive muscle growth...

Triceps Workout Exercise 1: Close Grip Bench Press:

First, lie on your back with your head underneath bar, eyes aligned with bar and feet flat on the floor. Then position hands on bar together in the centre of the bar so that hands are touching (this is different from a normal bench press if that's what you're thinking - we're targeting the triceps muscles!) To start, lift the bar off the rack with the bar directly over head. Lower the bar to your mid chest area. Press the bar up to start position. Remember: Don't do this exercise using your normal bench-press weight. This is a triceps exercise and the weight you use should be significantly lower. However, it should still be hard to do 2 sets of 15 reps! If you can, use a spotter!

This is one of the best arm exercises for men in my opinion. It's my favorite triceps exercise ever because it works very well!

Triceps Workout Exercise 2: Reverse Grip Press down:

First, secure a door strap overhead at top of door. (This is on the exercise machines where you can adjust the height - you want this at the very top.) Now, stand approximately 2-3 feet away from the attachment point with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent.

To start the exercise, grasp the handles with your palms facing down. Lower the handles to chest level so that elbows are bent at 90°. Then, keeping your shoulders stabilized and elbows close to sides, extend your arm and lower bar to hip level. Repeat! This is two sets of 15 reps.

Arm Exercises For Men - Biceps Super-Set

Whenever you think about arm exercises for men you think of the classic biceps curl... That is included in this super-set. Here it is in full:

Biceps Workout Exercise 1: Supinated Incline Bicep Curls

Start by lying on an incline bench with your arms at your side holding dumbbells with palms facing downwards (you have to bend your wrist to achieve this). Then slowly curl the dumbbells up rotating your palms so that your palms are facing up at the top of the movement and your elbows at your side. Then return to the starting position and repeat for 15 repetitions.

Biceps Workout Exercise 2: Reverse Barbell Curl

Hold a barbell with an overhand grip and your palms facing your body. Then, keeping your elbows at your side curl the barbell up to chest level. Return to the starting position and repeat 15 times.

Arm Exercises For Men - Hints & Tips

When you do this routine, start with the forearms. Go from forearm workout exercise 1 to 2, then back to 1 and then 2. Then move on to the Triceps circuit, and follow the same format.

Remember that you should struggle to complete two sets of 15 reps. If you're not struggling speed up how long it takes and raise the weights. (Be very careful on the close grip bench press! Use a lesser weight so you don't hurt yourself unless you have a spotter.)

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Ed_Clarke

Peak Bicep Training - The Hidden Secret to Super Impressive Arms

When you're looking to carve out the most incredible Arms possible, developing Peak Bicep muscles is one of the most striking body parts of overall muscular development that you can make. It's freaky as hell, and is a true attention grabber whether in Bodybuilding competition or simply when going about your day to day.

Making a Bicep peak like the Rocky Mountains is tough going. The bad news; is that for the super freaky look a la Arnie, you need to be lucky with your genetics. The good news though is that by following my workout tips I have gathered here from some of the top Bodybuilders today, you can start to make quite incredible gains in Peak Bicep size and development.

Firstly, a critical evaluation of your own 'muscle inserts' is required. Here's how to do it:

Place one hand on a wall directly in front of you with your arm completely straight.

Next, turn to one side as if you were doing a Chest stretch. Here, your Bicep will be tensed and if you have an reasonable amount of lean muscle mass you will be able to distinguish a clear separation between the inner and outer Bicep heads that attach directly under your front Deltoids. In order to gain that super impressive Peak Bicep we will be concentrating on stimulating the Outer Bicep head with the following super effective exercises:

Exercise 1: Dumbbell Hammer Curls

The important technique to follow with this exercise is to grip the Dumbbells with your palms facing and inwards towards each other whilst being sure to hold your elbows in close to your sides.

Start with a light warm up set and then perform the following at a weight that is as heavy as you can go.

10,8,6 x heaviest weight possible

Exercise 2: Ez Bar Curls

This is a super exercise to build Peak Bicep mass and definition. To get the most out of this one, concentrate on squeezing at the top of the movement to really feel that muscle contracting.

The two key points to follow are standing with your back supported against a wall - to prevent bad form and 'swinging' plus remembering to use an extremely close grip. You will notice that due to the unfamiliar close grip you will be unable to lift a very heavy weight. That's fine! The exercise will greatly stimulate your Biceps in ways that you have never felt before. The Peak Bicep has no other option but to grow!

12,10,8 x heaviest weight possible

Exercise 3: One-Arm Cable Curls

It's really important to finish with this exercise when the muscle is already fatigued. Cable Curls should be executed with lightweight and perfect form. Squeeze every single rep whilst at the top of the movement for a mind-blowing pump and a super way of delivering nutrient filled blood to the entire muscle group.

Again, form is more important than poundage, as what you are doing is building a Peak rather than mass here.

20,15,10 x medium weight (Repeat for each Arm)

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Tottman

Use Super Set to Amp Up Your Bicep Work Out

If super arms are what you are looking for then you need to try performing supersets with your bicep work outs.

Supersets are a very smart and efficient way to raise the intensity in your biceps training. There is nothing wrong with training biceps with straight sets. Using heavy weights and doing small reps or going light and performing a lot of reps. doing this kind of training especially if you work hard can build you some pretty solid biceps. But you need to shock your biceps every now and then and amp up your bicep work out. How? Throw in some solid super sets and take your bicep workout to the next level. You won't regret it after you see the results

A proper workout should be able to shock your bicep muscles into new growth. Your body will simply not grow if you do not force it to. That's why straight sets get boring and loose their effectiveness fast. It doesn't shock your body enough to get it to grow.

But sadly shocking your muscles is not an easy thing to do. Not any work out will do. You really need to stun your muscle to kick off massive growth in your biceps. It has to be something very stressful something that really forces your biceps to its limit only then will you truly grow. Why? Well because your body does something very efficiently and that something is adaptation. It adapts to any bicep work out eventually so that is why every now and then you need to throw a shocker in between your workouts.

There is a solution though. Use a super set in your work out and see your biceps explode into new growth

For those who do not know what a super set is. A super set is performing two consecutive moves back to back with no rest in between them.

Here is a sample bicep workout use it and see the results

Standing barbell curl 3sets 8, 10, 12


Standing alternating dumbbell curl 3sets 12, 15, 20

Preacher curls 3sets 8, 10, 12


Incline dumbbell curl 3sets 12, 15, 20

Hammer curls 3sets 8, 10, 12


Reverse curls 3sets 12, 15, 20

This is a very strong and powerful bicep workout. Choosing the correct weight is crucial. Pick up weights that almost take you to failure. for instance in the first move use a weight that will cause you to fail at the 10 rep. so when you stop at the 8th rep on the first set you will be at the boarder of failure then directly put the weights down and pick up the dumbbells for you next move and rep to prescribed number. Rest for 2 minutes then repeat for 3 sets.

And that is an example of a powerful bicep workout

Want to have a fantastic bicep work out [http://www.mindnmuscle.com/big-biceps/Super-set-your-bicep-work-out.htm]? then you need to read this article that shows you how to get fantastic bicep work out [http://www.mindnmuscle.com/big-arms-survey/biceps_subscribe.htm]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Mentis

Fitness Ideas That Help You Maintain A Healthy Body

Fitness Ideas That Help You Maintain A Healthy Body

As people age, they often let their fitness slip. The pressures of a job(s), spouse, and kids often take precedence over working out. If you are tired of the way you have let your body slip, then follow these fitness tips listed below. They will help you get into the shape you were in when you were a teenager.

A great way to build your endurance for long distance running is to adopt the strategy used by East African runners. Start off slowly for the first third of your run, then go at a normal pace for the second third, and go at your fast pace to finish your run.

Increase your ability to jump. Stand at the bottom of a set of stairs, and jump back and forth from the bottom step to the floor. Continue this until you feel comfortable jumping at that height. Once you are, move to something higher. Always make sure what you are jumping on is stable and secure.

A good way to try and recover faster is to work out the muscles that you had worked out the previous day, but lightly instead. This will act like stretching your muscles and will make blood travel faster through your muscles which will in turn deliver more nutrients to them.

When working out, use this order: dumbbells first, then barbells, then machines. This is because your small stabilizing muscles tire more quickly than your large muscles. Dumbbells and barbells require more use of these smaller stabilizing muscles, you should use them first and move onto machines, which rely more on your larger muscles instead.

Taking hikes is a good way to improve many aspects of fitness. Hiking will improve strength in ones legs as well as improving ones cardiovascular system. Hiking can also have the added benefit of being a good stress reliever. Also one can adjust the difficulty by adding or removing weight in a backpack.

The best way to build up your forehand strength for use with sports like tennis and racquetball is to do exercises with a crumpled newspaper. To do this properly, lay the paper flat on a surface. Start at a corner and crumple it into a ball shape with your dominant hand for about 30 seconds. Do the exact same with the other hand.

A good tip to stay fit, is to try circuit training. Circuit training is a method of lifting weights where you dramatically reduce the rest time and the weight. This method turns your weight lifting session into a cardio session at the same time, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, these tips show that getting back into shape is not as hard as you may think. All it takes is a little time, dedication, work, and patience. These are important characteristics not just for working out, but for life as well. If you can be successful at parenting, being married, and at your job, then there is no reason why you can't be successful with your fitness goals. So get out there and do it!