Gain Muscle With the Pull Up Bar

If you are looking for an affordable way to gain muscle through body weight manipulation, then check out how you can gain muscle with the pull up bar.

The pull up bar has been used for years by top body builders and athletes alike to help them gain muscle through challenging their body weight. Even through top athletes utilize the pull up bar, any novice to the hobby of bodybuilding and muscle gain can step up to the bar and begin receiving a quality workout.

The pull up bar primarily works the upper body and muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back, but there are variations with a lowered bar that can be utilized to help strengthen calf muscles and the abdominals. When looking to create a workout program with a pull up bar it is beneficial to check out the variety of man made exercises available online. There are classics such as the basic pull and variations of grips that can all be utilized to help challenge your body and aid you in muscle gain.

After taking a look at what can be accomplished with a pull up bar you can begin your search for a bar for your home, or check out the ones available at your local gym. The great thing about the pull up bar is the low price on the top quality bar, and the accessibility of the bar to where you can perform body strengthening exercises in your own home. The most common bar utilized is a thirty dollar one that attaches to the trim of your doorways and can be moved from place to place with a little moving of the positioning.

With a bar purchased and decided upon and a list of exercises made out, you can begin by designing a workout regime that utilizes that bar to work all parts of the body. There are muscle build maximizing workouts created and posted online that can be utilized, but any kind of program that you create that uses the bar and your body weight can be made to work fine.

Once you have the bar and the workout made out, all you have to do is stick to the program and make sure you push yourself and record your progress as you go. Overall if you are looking to gain muscle with a pull up bar, check out how a quick purchase and little research can create a perfect situation for muscle gain.

Written by Andrew Sheridan. Learn more about Pull up bars and Chin ups at our website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Sheridan

How to Get Rock Hard Abs - 3 Tips That Will Help You to Get Hard Abs

Word on how to get rock hard abs is definitely out on the street; but typically without a set of good directions on how to get there, chances are you'll just wind up on the road to nowhere. Sound familiar? How many times have you envied those guys with six-pack abs that get all the hottest girls and wondered how to get a flat muscled tummy like theirs for yourself? Relax friend as today's your lucky day. After reading the following tips, you'll be cruising down the fabulous likes of Rock Hard Abs Boulevard in absolutely no time flat.

Tip 1 - Create a workable schedule to exercise regularly and then stick to it regardless of what the week brings. The secret is to include both cardio vascular and weight training in your exercise program.

Tip 2 - Diet is an all important factor to help you to achieve the results you crave because the food that you eat is like fuel for your body and to cruise along on Rock Hard Abs Boulevard you want regular small servings of healthy meals that will keep your motor running smoothly, give you excellent mileage and not clog up your system. Just like top quality engine oil and fuel; you too will require nutritious and healthy diet that is particularly suited to working out and weight training. As for smoking and drinking alcohol; if cut it done drastically or just give it up!

Tip 3 - Stay motivated. Keep a detailed picture in your mind of your fabulous six-pack abs and the benefits of having them will provide you. Concentrate on whatever it is that motivates you to keep at it. Also reward yourself for small milestones as you navigate your way to Rock Hard Abs Boulevard. It's certainly well worth the trip!

If you want to take things to another level and get abs fast [http://www.sixpackworkouts.com/how-to-get-abs-fast-the-answer-might-shock-you] that will remain toned and muscled then take a look at our truth about abs [http://www.sixpackworkouts.com/the-truth-about-six-pack-abs-review] page to discover methods that have helped tens of thousands of others to get long lasting rock hard abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Whitehead

How to Get Rock Hard Abs - Tips to Get it Fast and Quick

Really, some people may think that those gymnasts hard rock abs are hereditary, but I tell you that majority of them are delivered with a six pack abs. Huge investment and effort are some of the reasons for their hard rock abs. Considering the fact that they got their abs after they were born, why is it that nobody looks to follow their method of getting their ripped abs? It is nothing but a lapse in the exercise and fitness community. Don't mistake me for another thing, I hope you won't rise up the following morning and begin to perform back flips on the pommel horse. I will explore the possible ways these gymnasts workout and determine which of their section routine can be included to your own workout routine.

First and foremost, they do no traditional ab exercises. I have had several opportunities to pass some of my time at numerous Olympic training centers. I will sincerely tell you that I only observe them do 2 straight ab workouts on a steady interval.

The Two Exercises are:
Hanging Leg Lift: Take hold of a pull-up bar with an over arm hold. Start up a movement using your abs, and lift your two legs up till your shinbones try to touch your pull-up bar. Come back to a controlled manner till your hips, waist and knees are broadened. Do it again for the recommended amount of repetition.

The V-Sit Up: Try laying down facing upward with your hands above your head. At the same time, lift straight your 2 legs up and torso. Using your hands, try to get to that your lifted feet. Go back to the point where you started.

Together with the ab exercises detailed above Olympics gymnast do a lot of superior ab workout circuitously using their entire body movement. These movements train the abs the way they are meant to be trained.

The idea here is plain. You must do whole body movements which build your abs and braces up your torso. It doesn't consist of applying a fancy sear, bench or back/chest support. I will talk about 3 exercises which you can integrate into your entire body movements in order to enable you begin immediately to get your hard rock abs.

1. Replace the bench press to do suspended push-ups. As you lie down using your back on a bench your abs will gradually take some rest. The reverse is the case with suspended push ups. Together with training your chest, triceps and shoulders, this workout trains the abs and enhances them unlike other majority of direct ab workouts.

2. Replace the pull down for pull-up: As you settle down on the pull down chair, your abs won't perform any work. In another way, it means your abs get ignited when you begin to pull down.

3. Replace the leg press for tuck jump: Similar to the bench press, the leg press will take your abs to rest due to the bench support. As you shed on supporting rods which enables it to move in one-dimensional, no guide is required from your abs. Tuck jumps give you a great leg training and a vast ab workout - in one single workout.

Truth About Six Pack Abs is an Online Six Pack Abs Program which contains all the simple exercises; how to do them, when and the duration to them and the diets you should eat and other useful information you require to get your six pack abs in few weeks. It has helped thousands of people from around the world get their six pack abs through the service they offer.

Look no further for your six pack abs but at http://truths-about-six-pack-abs.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Kingsley_Modozie

Discover The Secret to Get 6 Pack Abs And Lose Belly Fat Fast

Different people have different fitness goals. However, getting 6 pack abs and losing belly fat fast is a common goal across all ages and genders. Everyone knows that the key to get six pack abs is to burn fat and build muscle. However, despite this, people fail to achieve the sexy, washboard look.

When I ask what the possible reasons are for it, many tell me that they are either eating the wrong foods or doing the wrong ab workouts. While the diet and workout is to be blamed, the main reason people fail to get the perfect six pack is because they don't in the first place understand what needs to be done.

What is a six pack and how do you achieve it?

We harp about creating a six pack. The truth is that those chiclet-styled muscles, also called the rectus abdominis muscle, are already present in the abdominal region along the front of your tummy. When it is invisible, it is overshadowed by the layer of fat sitting above it. Thus, what you're actually doing when you say you are trying to get a six pack is that you are only uncovering and toning it. Therefore, achieving a six pack involves lowering your body fat percentage by losing weight.

And, how can you reduce body fat percentage?

It is simple provided you follow each step diligently.

1. Create a calorie deficit:

The body has a certain calorie requirement in order to go about its daily activities and to maintain healthy weight. The caloric requirement is influenced by various factors such as your age, your height, your weight and the amount of activity you undertake. This is the amount of calories your body burns daily. If you consume more calories that your body burns, the excess amount is stored in the form of fat to provide energy when food is not available.

A calorie deficit is when you eat less than the amount your body burns. In such an event, the body tries to get its energy from the existing fatty deposits and burns them in the bargain. This automatically trims the body fat percentage.

2. Spot reduction won't help:

The first question many will ask is what spot reduction is. It is the practice of doing a particular exercise to target a particular muscle group. Thus, if you are looking at an ab workout, it involves doing endless reps of crunches. The reason spot reduction does not work is because it only trains the muscles in the targeted area, but does help much when it comes to burning the fat sitting there.

We do not deny the effectiveness of crunches, squats, planks and dumbbell fly. Ab workouts make your abs stronger, bigger and well-developed. However, the ab workout must also be supplemented with cardio and weight training exercises. Cardio helps burn fat by elevating the heart rate and boosting metabolism. Weight training on the other hand, works towards building muscles. Also, the ab workout exercises should train the upper and lower abs and the obliques.

This is how you should work to lose weight and build your six pack ab. Follow these tips and achieving the 6 pack will be a breeze.

For more information on how to get a six pack ab and lose belly fat, click the following link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Addai

The Secret Behind the Single Best Abdominal Workout to Lose Belly Fat

What is the single best abdominal workout to lose belly fat? Is it the crunch or the sit-up? Before we answer that question, we all would love to have sleek and defined abdominals. The best we could do show our abdominals is to remove any layers of fat that surround it. Those include those love handles, beer belly gut, and other excess fat in that area. For men, when we have excess belly fat, we tend to look like apples- a rather large apple. For women, when they have excess belly fat, they tend to look like pears- (again) a rather large pear. What single abdominal exercise can we do in order to look less like an apple or a pear? There is none.

Despite all those abdominal exercise gadgets that have made millions of dollars, there are no single abdominal exercises that make us lose fat in our midsection. Isolation abdominal exercise movements cannot even get our metabolism up and going to burn off enough calories and fat for any significant improvement. People are approaching the problem from the wrong perspective. They would have to look at the problem of excess belly fat by doing the proper exercises and to have a proper diet.

As far as exercises, compound exercise movements or full body exercise movements are the type of exercises that can get our metabolism up and going. When our metabolism is up and going, we will be burning calories and fat. There is a whole lot of full body exercises that you can do such as sprinting (a great way to burn fat), lunges (with or without weights), swings (with kettle bells or dumb bells), squats, dead lifts, cleans and presses (with a barbell or dumb bell), mountain climbers (one of my favorites), renegade push-ups, high pulls, and other compound and full body movements. You may be familiar with some of the movements- but these movements require us to use more than just our abdominals to do them. It requires us to use our buttocks, legs, chest, etc. to work in conjunction with one another (rather than working independently or in an isolated way). Diet is also critical in order to lose belly fat. Excess sugars and starches will be stored as fat in our belly and other parts of our body.

Our midsection or abdominals are a peculiar animal. If we try to work on them directly such as crunches or sit-ups, they do not respond as well. But, if we indirectly work on them using full body exercises as previously mentioned, we will lose our belly fat and get those abdominals and core to come out. Check on my other articles about this issue and other exercises and fat burning routines.

For a SIMPLE, EASY, and PROVEN way to a healthy lifestyle,

Get it here:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pascasio_JR_Felisilda

How Low Stomach Acidity Can Affect Low Carb-High Protein Fat Loss Diet

Low carb-high protein fat loss plans are very popular and effective ways in getting rid of your extra body fat. Consumption of protein builds and maintains muscle mass and you also experience less hunger between meals. You can shed weight simply because you eat less.

However, there is a hazard when you want to lose fat with a low carb- high protein diet. It is a very common but often overlooked condition: intestinal "putrefaction." Protein is digested in the stomach by the enzyme pepsin, but only in a highly acidic environment. The more protein you eat, the more acid is required to fully digest it. But after the age of forty, you've got an increased risk of not having enough stomach acid to do the digestion efficiently.

Before you begin a fat loss program consisting of low carbs and high protein content, make sure that your stomach's acid level is adequate. If your stomach is not working properly, nothing else in your body will.

Low stomach acidity is a definite metabolic disorder, and today it is very common among all civilized races, much as is for instance, diabetes.

If protein isn't digested well in the stomach by acid, pancreatic enzymes fail to handle it all and some partly digested protein passes into the bowels. Once it reaches the intestine, a large number of bacteria attack those not-so-well digested proteins. When these bacteria come into contact with the proteins, toxins are produced. Many of these toxins are re-absorbed into the bloodstream, and overload the liver and the kidneys.

Those toxins can cause all sorts of problems and possibly even cancer. If you aren't sure whether you have low stomach acid, check with a doctor knowledgeable in natural or nutritional medicine before you start and/or continue a low carb- high-protein fat loss diet.

Symptoms of low stomach acidity can include heartburn, distension, gas, a "food just sitting in the stomach" feeling, indigestion, constipation, and intermittent diarrhea. Under specific conditions, these large molecules of partially digested food pass into the bloodstream. The immune system sees them as an invader and tries to isolate or destroy them, creating an adverse reaction.

You can improve your stomach's digestive function by taking betaine hydrochloride-pepsin or glutamic acid hydrochloride pepsin. Other supplements, such as lipase, amalyse and protease, can help. If you've got any history of ulcers, stay away from betaine hydrochloride or use it as directed by your health professional.

Low stomach acid can cause reflux. When the level of stomach acid is low, the food remains in the stomach longer than normal. Still, it is the acid which causes the damage to the esophagus. The pushing of the stomach contents into esophagus is due to the excess undigested food, not the acid itself. Even if you've low stomach acidity, it is still enough to cause heartburn and injure the sensitive surface of the esophagus.

How can you find out if your stomach acidity is too low?

In the morning, on an empty stomach, take an eight ounce glass of water and mix in a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and drink it down. If you've got a healthy level of acid, the baking soda will bubble up in the stomach and cause you to burp. If it doesn't happen within a few minutes, then your stomach acid level may be too low.

Other symptoms of low stomach acidity.

Problems throughout the body often show first on the skin. Even dry skin can indicate a problem. Look in the mirror and read the signs.

Rosy cheeks

If you have rosy cheeks and/or damaged capillaries on your nose, most people will think you're a heavy drinker, but there's often a strong link between red faces and low stomach acid production. As we age, our stomachs stop producing sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. You can often rectify this simple digestive problem by taking supplements.

If your face is red all over and it is most obvious on your forehead and cheeks and you even suffer with medium to large acne-type bumps, you may have been told it is acne rosacea and given some prescribed medication. However, this nearly always points to low stomach acidity. Taking supplemental hydrochloric acid and pepsin will help your digestion but also most likely help combat your acne rosacea. This should be closely monitored by a doctor. Also, hydrochloric acid should never be used together with aspirin, butazolidin, inodicin, motrin, or any other anti- inflammatory drugs. They can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers, so using hydrochloric acid with them increases the risk.

Yellowish skin

Many people over fifty have a slightly yellow tone to their facial skin. You think this is the result of getting older. But you can reverse it. Vitamin B 12 injections can help revive the healthy pink- red tones to the face. A lack of B 12 often is the result of an older stomach not making sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

How to balance low stomach acid?

You can supplement your lack of stomach acid naturally. However, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any natural remedy treatments.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar blended with a glass of water before each meal. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent acidic supplement and aids with the digestion of foods. However, it contains yeast and may cause problems for some. If the cider backs up reflexively, it may damage the esophagus just as much as the hydrochloric acid. It may also erode the enamel of the teeth if it is taken in too concentrated. To avoid that from occurring, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda right after taking your apple cider vinegar.

Forehead wrinkles

Wrinkles are a part of getting older. But if your wrinkles run vertically on your forehead and are accompanied by abdominal pain, there's a fair chance that you've got a duodenal ulcer and your digestion is impaired. It is recommended taking a test for helicobacter pylori. If the test turns out positive, try a natural substance called mastic. Using 500 milligrams three times daily for four to six weeks may remedy this condition.

Paul Drongo is a writer and editor working from home. He is writing articles and books on fat loss and weight loss. To find out more about his activities, you're invited to visit: [http://www.losefatthen.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Drongo

Low Carb Diet Solutions - the Pros and Cons

Weight loss is something that everyone is, has been, or will be
interested in at some point in their lives. Whether it is for health or
appearance, a healthy diet and exercise regimen will help people achieve a
sound mind and body.

The low-carb diet has been considered the solution to weight problems.
Dr. Atkins was among the first to develop the high-protein diet which
is inherently low in carbohydrates. He based his plan around the concept
that carbohydrates, if not burned off through exercise, will become
fat. It was the logical evolution of thought to lower the carbohydrate
intake and supplement it with higher protein intake. This is a
particularly effective diet for rapid weight loss. Of course, there are down sides
to take into consideration before attempting the Atkins weight loss
program. Recent science has proven that following the diet long-term can
be detrimental to the liver as well as increase the likelihood of kidney
stones. Studies have also shown that excess weight tends to come back
once people go off the plan.

Dr. Barry Sears decided to take a slightly different approach to
dieting. After evaluating the Atkins diet, he found that decreasing the
carbohydrate intake was a good idea- to a degree. In the Zone diet, designed
originally for people suffering from diabetes, Dr. Sears allows a
slightly higher amount of carbohydrates and distinguishes between simple and
complex carbohydrates. By consuming simple carbohydrates which are
easier for the body to break down to use as energy, the body burns off
carbohydrates faster and feels less need to consume more calories in
general. And since simple carbs are found predominantly in fruits, the body
can consume more to help the body feel full which works to eliminate
binge eating.

The low-carb craze is coming to end as more and more people are
discovering that an active body needs carbohydrates in higher levels than most
of these diets allow. However, all of these weight loss plans provide
one particular common positive impact on Americans- thinking about what
we put in our bodies. These diets show us a new way to evaluate how
we look at food and what we put in our bodies. By teaching us not to look to
pills or shakes for help, they give us the building blocks to live
healthier lifestyles and make nutritional choices for ourselves, low-carb
or otherwise.

Charlene Lee is a successful Webmaster and publisher of [http://LowCarbDietSolutions.com/] Charlene provides informative content on weight loss, as well as low carb diet [http://LowCarbDietSolutions.com/] solutions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Lee

3 of the Best Bicep Exercises For Your Bicep Workout

The biceps are the muscles on the front of your upper arms and almost every guy wants nice biceps. You can work your arms in many different ways. You can use barbells, dumbbells, and cable machines to maximize muscle growth and work your biceps from many different angles.

I think 3 of the best bicep exercises are barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls, and high cable curls. Each exercise works your arms a little differently and doing them all in the same workout will leave your arms pumped up.

First, let's talk about the barbell bicep curl. Many bodybuilders consider barbell curls the king of bicep exercises, and anyone who truly wants to add inches to their arms should definitely include barbell curls in their workout.

Because the ball is more stable than dumbbells, you can generally lift the most weight when you use a bar. And more weight equals more muscle gains and strength gains. When doing barbell curls make sure to keep good form and don't rely on your lower back muscles to power through the lift.

Now, let's talk about incline dumbbell curls. Incline curls are an under-rated exercise. What makes them so effective is that your biceps gets stretched during this exercise because the shoulder is slightly extended. When the biceps is stretched, it is at a mechanical disadvantage, so it works much harder during incline curls than it does during regular standing or seated curls.

If you can do 20 pounds for regular curls, you'll have to use a lighter weight during incline curls, but the incline curls will still be really challenging. Simply adjust a bench so that is reclined 45 to 60 degrees, and go for it.

Another great bicep exercise is high cable curls. This exercise is great for creating the peaked look in your biceps, and the cables are a great way to get a nice pump in the arms. Because the cables place constant tension on your arms, you don't get any rest during the movement.

This is one of the most popular body building exercises for the arms, and it looks like the body building pose called double biceps. To perform it you must attach handles to the tops of two cable columns. Then, when holding your elbows up at shoulder level, your hands move towards your temples, and really hold the squeeze for a second.

These are 3 of the best bicep exercises and if you include them in your workouts you will definitely see your arms grow and your strength improve.

Charles Inniss is a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer. Visit his website to learn all the best arm exercises, and also learn the best bicep exercises.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Inniss

Muscular Arms? These Biceps Exercises Are Really Effective


Muscular upper arms are the trademark of an athletic body, and a dream of many fitness fanatics. But how do you grow those upper arms? You should first focus on your biceps, the two-headed muscle that ensures the bending force of your arm. With the exercises below your biceps will visibly increase very fast.


Before we go to the gym, we want to concentrate on a few precautions. Bicep exercises are not suitable to do without any preparation. You need to pay attention to the following:

- Your body needs time to get used to the bicep exercises.

- Begin slowly and then build up gradually.

- Try to find a certain regularity in your training and hold on to it.

And like every other muscle exercise it's important to stick with it, stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet. You need some discipline to do that, but the satisfaction afterwards is amazing.


The most popular and most efficient exercise for the biceps is without a doubt the dumbbell curl. For bodybuilders and other strength athletes it is a basic part of the work out. The name ''dumbbell curls'' says enough; It's all about the curling movement. The ''dumbbell curl'' is an effective way to train your biceps targeted. This is how it should be done:

- Sit down and take a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms turned inwards.

- Breathe in slowly and turn your arm outwards. Notice: Do this before the forearm is horizontal.

- Lift your elbow and breathe out.

Tip: Be sure that your arms won't sway when you perform this bicep exercise. Because you involve other body parts, when your arms are tired, it's called a ''cheat rep''.


Do you like variation? Then you should definitely try the concentration curl. This exercise ensures for extra muscle tension. Because your muscle is tensed the whole exercise.

- Sit down and hold a dumbbell, with the hand turned outwards.

- Let your elbows rest against the inside of your thighs.

- Breathe in slowly, twist your arm and breathe out.

Remember, muscles eventually get bored by the same old workout. They learn to be more efficient, and they just flat out quit growing in the absence of new challenges. By working smaller muscles first in your workout, you burn them out and require the larger muscles to work even harder to recruit more muscle fibers.

For more tips and advice to gain muscle please take a look at here; http://www.jasonferruggia.com/ he can really help you to achieve your goals. And for daily advice and advanced muscle building techniques this will help you; http://www.moremusclemass.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Van_Delwijnen

Iron Gym Pull Up Bar Review - Build Muscle Fast at Home

I consider the pull up to be one of the best upper body exercises of all time because bodyweight exercises are typically most effective for burning fat and building muscle. The Iron Gym Pull Up bar makes it possible for anyone to turn a doorway into a home gym ready for action. The simple design of the Iron Gym allows you to build muscle fast from the convenience of your own home.

The Iron Gym Pull Up Bar doesn't require an installation which makes it such a quick an easy piece of home gym equipment to own. Simply place it up into the door frame and it hangs on the molding of the door and supports your full weight. You can do wide grip pullups, reverse grip, and close grip chins. This adds muscle mass to the upper back and biceps giving you a nice v taper and thick muscled biceps.

You can also put the Iron Pull Up Bar on the floor and use it as a multi grip push up stand and dipping station. It even comes with arm straps so that you can do hanging knee raises to work the lower abdominals helping you to get ripped abs while building muscle. This versatility allows you to do circuits going from one exercise to another providing a muscle building workout and fat burning workout all in one. It's amazing what one simple piece of equipment can offer in the form of a full body workout.

The Iron Gym is more effective at building the back muscles than pull down workouts at the gym. Pull ups require more overall muscle stabilization through the entire core abdominal region and back muscles. This burns more calories and gives greater stimulation for overall muscle growth. Build muscle fast with the Iron Gym by making your own home a muscle blasting workout center.

Get more information on the Iron Gym Pull up bar and Home Gym Equipment to build muscle fast. Build Muscle Fast with the 10 10 Transformation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

Build Upper Body Muscle With the Pull Up Bar

If you are looking for a simple but effective way to build upper body muscle strength without having to deal with several machines and free weights, then check out how the pull up bar can benefit you.

The pull up bar is a simple machine that is designed to help you achieve muscle building results through body weight resistance. If you are looking to build up your upper body with the pull up bar, check out the below process for beginning an exercise routine.

The first thing you want to do when looking to build muscle with the pull up bar is to either purchase a bar, or find one available with your local gym. A pull up bar can cost anywhere from under five dollars for the most basic bar that is flexed between a doorway, to up in the fifty to a hundred dollar range for a free standing full sized version. When looking to purchase a pull up bar the price is not the biggest factor, as much as the stability the bar will provide once installed.

After you have a bar, you can design a workout program the uses all of the available exercise that a pull up bar provides. Looking online can help you find a baseline pull up bar workout program that you can utilize to help build your upper body muscles. With a workout program designed and ready, you can begin the process of doing the exercises and pushing yourself to see those results. When doing an exercise on the pull up bar you are using your body weight against itself and are making yourself pull and support your entire body weight with each rep. This body resistance type of routine can help you to build a well toned and even bulky upper body, but it requires mental strength to continue through the exercise until your body no longer can support itself.

Overall if you are looking for a simple exercise to help you build your upper body muscles, check out how a chin up bar and basic pull ups can benefit you.

Written by Andrew Sheridan. Learn how to do a chin up or buy a pull up bar at our website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Sheridan

3 Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast Without Using Weights or Machines

While it is true that exercises which require weights and machines to build up muscles are effective, the truth is that they are not always practical or expedient. For instance, some people have no time to go to a commercial gym and they may not be able to afford to buy standard exercise machines and weights to workout at home. However, here are some effective yet little known tips which will help you build muscles just as fast even without resorting to using weights or exercise machines.

1. Eat a diet rich in proteins

In the clamor to promote ever new exercise routines for muscle builders, many health and wellness experts forget to tell their pupils that ultimately; without taking the right nutrients, all those workouts are in vain. Muscles are made of proteins and taking a sufficient quantity will help you bulk even faster. The recommended daily protein intake for women is 46 grams while men need 53 grams. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding require even more proteins.

2. Exercise your core muscles five times a week

Plank exercises are especially effective when it comes to strengthening and building up your chest and arm muscles. To perform a plank exercise, spread a yoga mat on the floor and lie on your stomach with your body held straight. Resting your weight on your forearms and toes, steadily raise your body and hold it up for fifteen seconds. Repeat this at least twice before resting. Gradually increase the duration of each plank up to a minute.

An exercise ball can also be used to effectively build your core muscles by performing back extensions and crunches. To perform a back extension exercise, lie on your stomach on the exercise ball. Lift your body off the ball using your back muscles. Repeating the process for at least 15 back extensions daily should be enough.

For crunches, place the ball beneath your lower back with the knees bent on the floor. You should then lift your back a couple of inches off the ball. A total of 25 extensions per exercise session are recommended for strengthening and building up your back muscles.

3. Backpack Pushups

Pushups are universally recognized as effective muscle building exercises and their simple yet intensive routine adds an extra measure of appeal. However, your body can adjust quickly to the stress produced by run-of-the-mill pushups making your regular routine ineffective in your bid to build up muscles fast.

Some innovative wellness experts have realized that pushups can be made even more effective if they are performed while carrying a backpack. The amount of weight in the backpack will depend on your own needs and endurance.

If you have been struggling to build up muscles, the cause of your frustration may not necessarily be lack of exertion but rather using ineffective means to achieve results. In fact, many people believe that you can only build muscles quickly if you invest in costly exercise machines and weights. As the tips above illustrate however, you do not need to go to such lengths to build muscles fast.

Discover more tips and tricks on how to build muscle with effective lessons and methods. If you want to know how to build muscle fast then you must read my The Big Muscle Formula website.

Achieve your muscle building goal starting today by clicking on one of the links above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Louis_Prince

Muscle-Building After 60 in Men - 7 Tips On How To Build Muscle Faster

Having healthy, firm and well-contoured muscles communicates to others that you are healthy, successful and able-bodied. Not only does having stronger muscles help you to look more powerful to other men and sexier to women, but it also confers a number of health benefits. The bodies of physically stronger men are able to heal more quickly after an illness, and they generally have better bone density.

For various reasons, the average man has more natural muscle mass on his body when he is younger than when he gets older. Still, that fact does not mean that men of 60 years of age and beyond cannot attain very healthy, strong-looking physiques: they can.

In order to build muscles after the age of 60, it is important to know how what to do. Just diving in and starting to lift weights will likely be not only less successful, but even potentially much more dangerous, than if you take a measured approach under the guidance of a body-training expert.

If you are interested in muscle-building after 60, here are 7 tips on how to build muscle faster:

1. Muscle begins to atrophy after age 25:

Understand that you will need to work a bit harder than you did when were in your 20s in order to achieve that sleek, muscular physique you want. That is because, by the age of 60, the average man has lost about 50% of his natural muscle (as compared to before age 25). This is due to the fact that muscle naturally starts to atrophy after age 25 or so - and the process continues steadily each year.

2. You can slow or stop muscle atrophy through weight training and diet:

Fortunately, you have the power to stop muscle atrophy. Weight training and the proper diet can put you back on the path to looking great in the nude or in your swimsuit again - even well after the age of 60.

3. It is never too late to start weight training:

The most powerful and effective way to build muscle mass is through weight training. Free weights such as barbells and dumbbells offer you an amazing opportunity to start adding attractive firmness and shape to the muscles in your chest, shoulders, arms, back, legs and stomach.

4. Consult with your doctor:

Before embarking upon any exercise routine, be sure to check with your doctor first.

5. Always start with light warm-up stretches:

Begin every workout with a set of light warm-up stretches. While stretching before a workout is important at any age, it is particularly important as our bodies age.

6. Start with chest workouts using barbells or dumbbells:

There are a number of exercises you can use to build up your muscles all over your body. Here, we'll start with two types: one that focuses on building up your chest and another that focuses on building your shoulders.

For your chest, try the bench press. Here's how:

1. Lie flat on your back on a workout bench while keeping your feet flat on the floor.
2. Start with just the bar (which weighs 45 pounds by itself). Lift the bar up off the rack and hold it at arm's length above you.
3. Next, slowly lower the bar until it touches just above your chest.
4. Finally, raise the bar back up until your arms are completely straight (almost to a "locked" position).
5. Repeat for 5-10 reps, rest, and do 2-3 sets total.

7. Try the shoulder press deltoid exercise:

To start bulking up your shoulders, try the shoulder press deltoid exercise. Here's how:

1. Sit up straight on a shoulder press exercise bench and place your hands on the barbell.
2. Now press the weight up above your head, holding it there briefly.
3. Finally, lower the bar (under controlled motion) until it is returned to the starting position.
4. Repeat for 5-10 reps, rest, and do 2-3 sets total.

Try these 7 steps to muscle-building after age 60 and you will start seeing noticeable results after a week or two.

Check out this muscle-building guide that requires no weights or equipment, designed by the go-to-guy trainer of elite warriors, special ops, and Navy Seals: Commando Muscle-Building Guide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robbie_T._James

How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time

In bodybuilding, there is a common belief that it is impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Many bodybuilders believe that you should only focus on one of these goals. Either lose fat by doing loads of cardio and dropping your calories by 500, or else eat 500 calories more than normal and start lifting weights to gain muscle.

However, neither of these goals is totally ideal. If you lose fat by cutting your caloric intake and doing loads of cardio, you will produce a body that is thinner than before but not visually appealing. You will simply be a smaller version of what you were in the beginning. Gaining muscle means eating more food but that often means putting on some fat, too. Lifting weights while eating like that will produce a a much more muscular frame but with puffy, bloated-looking muscles and a stocky frame that is also not what most people are looking for.

The vast majority of people who hit the gym to transform their bodies, other than the serious meatheads who want to be the next Schwarzenegger, are people who are looking to create the hot, sexy, "GQ model" look, with well-developed but reasonably-sized muscles, a six-pack and a hard, lean appearance, so that the muscles look angular and "cut", as though you were a diagram of the human musculature. This appearance is not created by following either of the pieces of advice given above for building muscle or losing fat.

The secret to creating this look is to follow a program that emphasizes three stages -

1/ Heavy training that gets you strong

2/ Muscle building work to increase size

3/ Metabolic bursting, HIIT and steady-state cardio to burn fat

Do all three of these in THAT order and you will produce that "GQ" body. Let's go into details now!

1/ Heavy training - spend at least the first month pushing and pulling some serious weight. Focus on intensity (how much weight) and volume (how many sets). I would recommend 5 sets of 5 reps at a minimum of 80% of your 1-rep max. You can do some exercises at a higher number of reps to increase size a little bit but make sure that you spend most of your time getting strong. Increase the weight by 20% each week if you can. Just do a little cardio if you must (for example, if you are seriously overweight). Focus on the traditional heavy compound exercises that train the whole body - pull-ups, push-ups, pull-downs, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and lunges.

2/ Training for size - spend the second month focusing on increasing the size of your muscles. Ease off on the heavy training by reducing it to no more than 20% of your time at the gym. Increase reps to 8-12 and decrease sets to 3-4 max. Decrease weights to 60% of your 1-rep max. Super-set upper and lower body exercises to maximize efficient use of time and regard the time when you are exercising your lower body as a rest period for your upper body m(and vice versa). Minimize rest periods overall to increase the workload on the body. You can incorporate more isolation exercises into your routine, such as bicep curls, pec-dec machine and other, more "wussy" exercises. Sleep at least 8 hours a night to maximize muscle recovery and growth. Take at least 2 rest days a week. Drink plenty of water to flush out lactic acid.

3/ Cardio - in the third month, focus more on fat loss. Start circuit training by doing "heavy" exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, pull-downs, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and lunges at high rep ranges with absolutely minimal rest periods with lighter weights. Do all 8 of these exercises in one circuit and focus on trying to complete at least 3 circuits in one gym session. Then hit the treadmill or stationary bike. Perform a 5-minute warm-up at 60% of your maximum intensity, then do metabolic bursting with a Tabata Protocol of 2o seconds at a minimum of 90% intensity, followed by 10 seconds at 60% intensity. Repeat this 30-second process at least 10 times (giving you 5 minutes of bursting). Follow this with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) by performing 2 minutes at 80% intensity and 1 minute at 60% intensity. Do this 3 times (9 minutes total). Then perform steady-state cardio for 10 minutes at 60% intensity, then a 1-minute cool-down at 50%. This gives you a 25-minute cardio routine to begin with. The metabolic bursting is anaerobic, meaning that it takes place "in the absence of oxygen", which forces your body to go to its fat stores to give you the energy to complete the exercise. The HIIT, then moves the fat into the blood stream, where it is available to give constant supplies to the body during the longer high-intensity 2-min sessions. Finally, the steady-state moves the fat from the blood into the kidneys. Drink plenty of water. This will flush out the fat from the kidneys into the bladder. When you urinate, it will move out of the body and be gone! As the month continues, increase bursting to 20 times (10 minutes), HIIT to 5 times (15 minutes) but keep steady-state at 10 minutes. With a three-minute warm-up and two-minute cool-down, that gives you a 40-minutes workout to aim for by the end of the month.

Do all this and you will get the hot body of your dreams!

Oliver Chapman is an up-and-coming expert on Personal Development who specializes in Health, Wealth and Relationships. This article belongs to Health. To discover all of "Olly's Six Principles" to achieving your dream life, sign up for his five-part e-mail series and ongoing newsletter giving tips and advice by copying and pasting the link below into your web browser -


Visit his blog at [http://www.ollyspersonaldevelopment.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oliver_N_Chapman

Tips on How To Gain Muscle Fast

Have you been wanting to add some muscle mass or simply become more cut? Let us discuss a few tips about how to pile on muscle mass quickly.

Tip #1: You have to lift

Profound huh? The only way you're sure to add more muscle is to always lift and lift explosively. Lift the weight quickly and lower slowly. Gaining muscular mass needs the muscle fibers to tear and break down.

The only means to make this happen will be to apply force that is definitely beyond the bounds of the muscle comfort zone. If you happen to be only starting out with free weights, make sure you proceed S-L-O-W-L-Y. You don't want to rip or even pull a muscle. It's an extremely painful experience as it will certainly set you back several weeks or months based upon the severity of the injury.

Begin with lighter weight. Your muscles will likely be sore the first few work out routines so restrict work out routines to 1 - 2 times per week up until you build up to regular routine. Then you should gradually increase your workout frequency.

So make it to the gym or even grab some barbells, and dumbbells and go to train.

Tip #2: Perform multi- joint exercises

Singular joint exercise routines merely work individual muscles and therefore will not quickly build muscles. The solution to rapid muscle gains is training with heavier weight and singular joint exercise routines pretty much don't cut it.

You need to perform multi-joint exercise routines such as squats, dead lifts, and bench presses. Multi-joint workout routines enable you to make use of more heavy weight and work far more muscles by fifty percent the amount of time.

Tip #3: Lift heavy weight

To be able to build lean muscle, it is necessary to lift enough weight that ends in muscle failure at the end of each and every set. You need to be executing 3-8 sets of exercises with 8-12 repetitions per set. Be sure to lift sufficient weight that will allow you to maintain your good form for the duration of the exercises.

Tip #4: Eat a lot of nutritious food

It's extremely important to consume plenty of highly nutritious foods whenever you are working to build lean muscle mass. However don't eat useless calories for example commercially processed foods as well as sugar. You must eat healthy proteins for instance, free range chicken, grass-fed beef, healthy fat sources like avocados, coconut milk, and healthy carbs like yams, whole grains, and beans. To be able to pile on 1-2 pounds of muscle each week, you must intake at the very least 3,500-7,000 additional calories per week.

Tip #5: Supplement

In combination with good quality nutrition, muscle-building nutritional supplements put the icing on the cake. They support as well as greatly enhance the superior nutrition you are fueling your whole body with.

The ideal nutritional supplements to use to gain muscle really fast are 1 ) a superior quality protein powder, ideally whey protein.

Top quality protein powder is shown to increase fat-free lean muscle mass together with strength as well as 2 ) a testosterone maximizing supplement to naturally elevate the amount of free testosterone in your body. This helps with maximizing strength and performance.

Find out more about gaining muscle fast at http://www.mybestpreworkoutsupplement.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Pica

Visualization for Bodybuilding and Fitness

It's been a few years since I step on a bodybuilding stage (15years) but one of the tools I used for success in competition was visualization. Most bodybuilders don't apply this technique to their training but it really makes a difference in not just your confidence but also you physical performance.

We have all heard how Michael Jordan used to imagine himself making the game winning shot every night and I think it goes without saying that many teams tried to keep the ball away from Michael Jordan because of it. His visualizing making that shot was only a mental formality that his body had to play out. The shot became very easy because he made it again and again and again in his mind. So there were no problems with him making it again with the ball.

Pre-workout Visualization
There are a number of visualization techniques that can be used in bodybuilding and fitness. The first is what I call pre-workout visualization. In this technique I actually see myself doing my sets each one individually, rep by rep. I know how many reps I would like to compete for each set, then visualize myself doing that number of reps with a slightly heavier than normal weight than I would have before.

When it comes time to actually do that set with the given reps and weight, I have already done it in my mind and amazingly can most of the time complete it in the physical.
Now this is not some mystic mumble jumble it works because you mind is already prepared for the task at hand!

Contest Visualization
When preparing for a contest I use a slightly different method of visualization, I've found this to be exceptionally effective in preparing for a contest, especially in respect getting out the pre contest jitters

I visualize my body in comparison with other competitors, me actually receiving the first place trophy, and even my diet and other training events, but I always visualize myself as the greater than I already am.

I visualize my diet for that week I even visualize myself turning down bad food choices from family and friends, and only accepting the healthy muscle building selection.

If you know where the competition is go there and look at the event area and imagine the lights the crowds, all cheering for you. Make the atmosphere as positive for you as possible, then go home and visualize the competition as you would like it to be, and don't be afraid to embellish a little..

If you can't get to event because of distance than get pictures of it off the internet and use those picture to form you imagination.

The last thing to do is get to the event center early while they are setting up for the show ask which trophies are for the class you are competing in and visualize yourself receiving the trophy again

I sometime actually talk to the trophy, telling it that its coming home with me, and telling it how honored that I am to be competing for such a great trophy.

This may sound crazy and you will seem some what cocky around others but you will live up to your own expectations and greater than you can ever expect from yourself.

Visualize every day and whenever you feel down or fat of unmotivated or just plain tired visualize your success and you will get it!

The Process of Visualization
Before you visualize you must be quiet! Now this is not the absence of noise but the calming of your mind and spirit. This is very similar to mediation or praying in the presence of God, so don't be shocked it you find a new desire to re-unite with God. Or if you are already a practicing Christian you may find yourself understanding the wisdom of God at a more personal level.

Take a deep breath and hold it until you can hold it no longer but when you release it do is smoothly and controlled, breath normally. I know many people that are into the breath counting but I find this relaxes me much faster than breath counting, or emptying the mind or any of that Zen Buddha stuff.

I would look at a photo of the event center first this put thing into real perspective. Then I close my eyes and visualize what I want to happened during the contest. The more detailed you visualize the better the chances are you will experience the success you desire

Go through the pre-judging, comparison, evening show, your posing routine and even the crowds standing ovations after your routine. Leave nothing to chance and do visualize often once a day at lease maybe more if you need to.

With the introduction of every imaginable new drug and supplement in the sports of bodybuilding and fitness, I think the use of visualization is an amazing simple process that does not cost a dime and will yield the results like you never thought possible.

God Bless
Troy "Awwsum" Pearsall

Troy Pearsall is the owner of: Fire Iron Magazine


You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Troy_Charves_Pearsall

Fitness and Bodybuilding For Beginners - 5 Tips to Beat Mental Hurdles and Exercise Effectively!

To ensure your fitness success, it's important to not only perform the right kinds of exercises to strengthen your body, but you must also make some essential mental adjustments to prepare for the challenges ahead. Many people fail at bodybuilding because they haven't prepared themselves mentally before starting. This article will help you prepare yourself for the challenges ahead to maximize your chances of success.

1) You may have heard the Buddhist philosophy that "a journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step." This is true, but in bodybuilding it's also true that the last few reps are the most important for getting ripped. If you want to build muscle, you can't be lazy. You must push beyond that part of your mind that holds you back and tells you to stop before you have to.

2) Getting motivated is about taking action. Procrastination is just a longer word for fear. If you really want to get fit, you have to dedicate yourself to it and stop making excuses. Stop thinking about it and get started!

3) Staying motivated is about movement and success; build momentum by measuring your progress and working smaller "mile-marker" goals into your overall exercise and diet plan to show yourself that what you're doing is working. You can't expect to stay motivated and get excited about working out if you have no idea whether your fitness program is effective. Every week, measure your progress, and also your process: keep a daily log of your exercise routines--what exercises you're doing, how much, and how often. Also keep track of your diet if it doesn't drive you crazy to do so.

4) Quantify your goals ahead of time by creating solid goals. If you can come up with a numerical goal or set of goals, great--write them down along with your current physical shape.. If you don't have a specific weight or set of measurements in mind (for example, if you just want to look good at the beach), that's okay too--take pictures of yourself now so you can monitor your progress visually.

5) Don't give up! Push yourself harder than you ever have before. Bodybuilding and physical fitness is as much of a mental game as a physical one, and if you succeed here you'll be proving to yourself that you can succeed at anything you put your mind to--which you can. Keep a positive attitude and build successes on successes through constant action. If you don't get lazy and give up, you'll do great.

Keith Banner is a personal trainer and physical fitness instructor for men and women.

He is a contributing author to the popular Human Body Knowledge fitness website, with regular updates about subjects ranging from protein shakes to the world's best energy drink [http://musclealert.com/] for bodybuilders.

His interests include bodybuilding, natural evolutionary nutrition, and investing in real estate.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Banner

Bodybuilding For Beginners - Tips To Help You Start Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding for beginners need not be a difficult thing. For anyone who wishes to begin bodybuilding as a hobby or simply as a means to get fit, you don't have to get so nervous about it. There are just simple tips that you need to take note of and then you can head your way to the gym and start that perfect body built you so want to have.

For a beginner in body building, you need to take note of the following tips:

First, find an appropriate FITNESS CLUB to join. It is important that you get to have a proper fitness club to join so that you are given proper amenities and proper instruction.

Second, once you get to join a fitness club, find a GYM INSTRUCTOR. Most fitness clubs do have a number of gym instructors for you to choose from. You instructor will be able to help you with the different routines that you need to establish in order to start your fitness program.

Third, ASK FOR ADVICE. It is important that you ask for advice especially about the different fitness equipments you would want to purchase for home use. You can ask your instructor or anyone knowledgeable enough as regards fitness programs so as to get the proper equipments that you would need to have as a beginner.

Fourth, watch your DIET. In a fitness program, it is important that you stick to a certain diet that is meant to help you to build up in muscles. Also, since you will be working out, you will need your diet to be such that it will be able to keep up with the energy requirement you will need in order to carry out your exercise routine.

Fifth, MAKE A GOAL. It is important that you get to set a particular goal for yourself in each routine that you take. This is important because once you set a goal, you will have something to look forward to. Also, set possible goals. It is necessary that you set goals that you can possibly reach. In that way, you can possibly reach them and they aren't too difficult to fulfill either.

Sixth, THINK OF SUCCESS. It is important that you get to see yourself succeeding the particular fitness program you are about to enter. In this way, you will gradually shape your mind into doing everything in order to achieve it.

It is important for every bodybuilding beginner to find the proper counsel to help him make his dream come true. Therefore, finding the right guide will help you be able to do so.

Get some body building workout routines and body building tips now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_A_Bradford

Bodybuilding Workout - The 2 Most Common Conflicting Goals in Fitness and Muscle Building

The two most common goals with bodybuilding workout and fitness in general is to build muscle and lose fat. However, these two goals are pretty much at different ends of the spectrum when it comes to how to achieve them.

Gaining muscle will require you to eat more calories because, let's face it, muscles can't be made from out of thin air (unless you're using some sort of chemical assistance). Burning fat on the other hand, requires you to take in less calories than you spend in a day, since that will result in fat loss. It's no secret that what we bodybuilders want to get form our bodybuilding workouts is visible muscle.

Trying to reach both of these goals at the same time is in other words no a very good approach. Because you'll probably just end up going nuts trying to go in two directions at once. And end up not accomplishing either of your bodybuilding workout goals.

The majority of bodybuilders and weight lifters need to accept the fact that they will put of a little fat to gain all the desired muscle. The question is how much fat you need to add. So let's discuss just that.

How can you build muscle without getting fat? When building muscle mass there are two main strategies you can use. Some choose the path of eating as much food as they possibly can. That turns their life into a bit of a 24-hour eat all you can-buffet. But if you think this will magically transform calories into muscle, you're very much mistaken.

Your body can only integrate a certain amount of muscle tissue at any one time, and after that has been done any remaining calories will be preserved and stored as body fat. It's really that clear-cut and simple. And no human is an exception to that rule in their bodybuilding workouts. If you are one of these people that eat 5000 or more calories a day, this will quickly lead to a considerable gain in body fat over a 3-6 month period.

The other strategy you can use is more light and moderate. That is, to only eat as many extra calories that aid in the muscle building process, and no more than that. Ideally, this will allow you to gain as much lean muscle tissue as you can from your bodybuilding workout with no huge rise in your body fat percentage.

Personally, I always think it's best to go by real world results. The fact is that in the real world you can't give any exact number as to how many calories you should or shouldn't eat each day during bodybuilding workout. Why? Because different people have different metabolisms. So you need to pay attention to your own body in this case to determine what kind of metabolism you have. And then carefully adjust your calorie intake to that.

The key to bodybuilding success is patients and perseverance. The more calm and patient you can be the better muscle gains you will see from your bodybuilding workout.

For More Information On How To Gain Over 30 Pounds of Muscle In Only 8 Months, Click Here Now: Bodybuilding Workout [http://bodybuildingworkoutsecrets.org]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_T._Clayton

Exercise For Your Body Type - The Best Muscle Building Tips

Determining your particular body type is essential to finding the work out best suited to you. There are endless combinations of exercises you can do, but finding the right combination for your body type isn't often easy.

Ever hear of a hard-gainer? If you work out as long as hard as those around you and eat a good high protein diet every day, and still don't gain the muscle you want, you may be what is called a hard-gainer. You are not reaching your goal because the workout you chose is the wrong one for your body type. Your body type requires a longer recovery time than many other people. Your muscles simply just take longer to grow than those around you. Lifting repeatedly without giving the muscles sufficient time to rest and grow can actually weaken the muscles, undermining your efforts.

If you carefully follow your current workout and diet plan and fail to see some real results within two months, you may be a hard-gainer. Try modifying your routine. Work out no more often than every other day, for no longer than 45 minutes to one hour at each session. Make sure you are eating at least two grams of protein a day for each pound of body weight. And don't give up or fret. Try it for at least two months and see if there is an improvement in your physic. The added rest time just may be exactly what your body type needs to keep growing the muscle mass you want.

And, a unique method to Build Muscle [http://muscle-building-guide.info/] in the shortest time possible can be found on my site. Click here [http://muscle-building-guide.info/] to find out how you can stop being a casualty of misinformation and learn the bottom line truth toward gaining weight and building lean muscle mass.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Stratton

5 No BS Best Back Exercises For Super Explosive Muscle Growth

Men who are able to perform 30 consecutive pull-ups or finish ten pull-ups with 90 pounds of weight hanging from a belt are truly impressive. This can be made possible by the best back exercises. Your back contains the second largest set of muscles, which is why working on it definitely pays off huge dividends both in health and physical looks. In fact, very few things look more impressive than a person's ability to hit a front or rear lat spread with effortless confidence.

The best back exercises effectively strengthen your back muscles, thus allowing you to pick up any heavy object with the assistance of your leg muscles. A strong back also lets you move your body easily in any direction, but most especially when you have to lift yourself up. Furthermore, a strong back protects you from having muscle imbalances that usually result from overtraining the chest. If you are concerned about your weight, then it will please you to know that strong back muscles also allow you to burn as many calories as you do when you train your legs.

Following is a discussion on the five best back exercises that can help you develop a stronger and better-looking back.

1. Barbell Bent-over Rows

This exercise is certainly one of the best back exercises you can perform to develop strength and thickness in your upper body. The movement involved in this exercise works everything - your traps, lats, lower back, and hamstrings. With proper form, this exercise will definitely set you apart from those who focus solely on pull-ups, chin-ups, and pull-downs.

Set up for this exercise by standing on a raised platform with the weighted barbell. Stand with your feet a shoulder width apart. With your knees slightly bent, your head held up, and your back straight, bend over slowly until your body is at an angle slightly lower than 45 degrees from the floor. Make sure that the weight hangs straight down from your arms and that you grip the bar with your palms facing towards you.

This exercise can be done in several variations: You may use close-grip, wide-grip, or medium-grip. You can also choose to hold the bar with your palms facing away. And if you prefer, you can do two-arm dumbbell rows instead of a barbell row. You may also use a machine called T-Bar for this exercise.

2. Pull-ups and Chin-ups

These are among the best back exercises that can be used to gauge your physical strength relative to your weight. To illustrate, a guy who can bench press a weight of only 315 pounds, but perform 30 consecutive pull-ups is a lot stronger than one who can bench press 600 pounds, but do only four straight pull-ups.

Set up for these exercises by standing on a box if needed. Otherwise, you can just jump up to reach the bar. Pull-ups are generally more difficult than chin-ups, but the best results are gained if you switch from one exercise to the next. When doing pull-ups, be sure to grip the bar with your palms facing away and your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart. On the other hand, your palms should be facing you when you do chin-ups and your hands should hold the bar a little less than shoulder width apart.

In performing these exercises, you can use wide grip, medium grip, or narrow grip (with your palms facing each other). You may also want to do towel pull-ups in order to maximize your grip and finger strength. Try to avoid doing pull-downs with machines as much as possible. Stick to chin-ups and pull-ups with free weights instead.

3. Barbell Shrugs

This exercise is targeted at developing your traps and does not have any effect on the lats at all. In fact, you can build a good set of traps by doing up to 12 repetitions with a maximum of 585 pounds of weight in an Olympic bar. You can set up for this exercise either by deadlifting the bar off the floor or unracking it at thigh height. It is acceptable to use straps for this exercise. However, you will want to avoid using alternating grips. Using chalk may also be ill-advised for this exercise, especially if you are using a heavier weight than what you usually use when deadlifting.

When performing this exercise, remember to always stand straight, hold your head up and your knees slightly bent. Shrug straight up as high as your shoulders can go and try to touch your shoulders to your ears with the movement. To get full contraction, hold the position for about half a second. Dumbbell shrugs are a good variation of this exercise, except that it doesn't allow you to lift as much weight.

4. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

This is one of the best back exercises for isolating each side of your back. You can't go as heavy on this exercise as you can with barbell rows, but you can achieve fuller contractions with a wider range of motion because your scapula is not restricted from fully retracting on each repetition.

Set up by grabbing a dumbbell and then setting it down beside an exercise bench. Kneel with one leg on the end of the bench and then lay your hand on the other end for support. Position your upper body such that it is parallel to the floor and your free leg is planted on the side of your body, just behind the other leg for maximum support.

Some exercisers perform machine or cable exercises for the same purpose, but the best back exercises are still those that employ free weights, so it is most beneficial for you to stick to these exercises.

5. Barbell Deadlifts

This exercise is unique because it belongs to the list of best hamstrings exercises as well as this one. It is, in fact, one of the fundamental exercises of any serious weight training program. Deadlifts work your legs a hundred percent and require functional stability from 95% of your other muscle groups. When done in proper form, this exercise can help you gain more muscle, burn more calories, and become generally stronger. For these purposes, deadlifts are second only to squats.

Set up for this exercise with the barbell placed on the floor just above your ankles and right in front of your shins. For conventional deadlifts, stand with your feet a shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, reach down and grab the bar. Make sure that your knees are just inside your elbows. If you want to go heavy on this exercise, you may alternate your grip with one hand holding the bar with the palm facing you and the other hand holding the bar with the palm facing away from you.

You can choose to do this exercise with close stance or wide stance. Other variations you can choose from are sumo-style deadlifts, deadlifting off a box, deadlifts with chains or bands, and rack or pin pulls.

Now that you know what the five best back exercises are, you'll be more equipped to develop the strength of your back muscles. Of course, there are other exercises that can also help you build stronger muscles in your back as well as other parts of your body, but the five discussed above are the most essential and should therefore be mainstays in your workout. Integrate these exercises properly into your regular fitness and strength training routine and soon, you'll be the one impressing other people with your lifting prowess instead of the one being impressed.

Hey Skinny! Don't Delay. Even the odds by learning the 'Underground Secrets' of How To Build Muscle Fast [http://madformuscle.com] over at MadForMuscle.com. The one stop website for anybody looking to Pack On Muscle and Obliterate Fat.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Tottman

Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Exercise And Diet Tips For Gaining Muscle With Dumbbells

Are you looking the the best and fastest ways to gain muscle using dumbbells? By sticking to a good routine and a proper eating plan this is easily achievable.

Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Exercises

The best thing about using dumbbells is that you do not need any gym membership in order to train. All you need is a set of dumbbells, some space to work and if you are feeling adventurous a workout bench. That last one isn't required.

All of these exercises can be performed with just dumbbells and a flat surface (like the floor):

Chest - bench press, pullovers, flyes.

Shoulders - Seated Press, Front Raises, Bent Over laterals, lateral raises

Triceps - French presses, tricep extensions, dumbbell kickbacks

Legs - Romanian Dead lifts, lunges, squats, one-legged squats, dumbbell step-ups, dumbbell jogging

Back - Shrugs, Straight legged dead lifts, bent over rows

Biceps - Dumbbell Bicep Curls, hammer curls, concentration curls

Abs - dumbbell crunches, dumbbell side bends, overhead dumbbell side bends

To burn bodyweight fast perform these exercises in a superset performing at least a couple of sessions a week and following a proper diet.

Getting Ripped With Dumbbells - Diet

Ok, so to properly get ripped all the exercises in the world aren't going to help you if you are still piling in the food like you are going into hibernation or the winter. First and foremost you need to stop your current diet and move on to a high protein low carb diet. This is the most important part of your training, as without this all your exercises will account for nothing.

Once your diet is in place then all your exercises will start to take off and you will see the muscle start to pile on.

If you're really serious about getting into shape with Dumbbell Workouts [http://www.freedumbbellworkouts.com], then you definitely need a proper workout training guide. The best one that I can recommend to you is the 6 Week Ripped Report.

This program will take you week by week from your current level and turn you into a ripped machine in just 6 weeks using only dumbbell exercises! For more information on this program click here [http://www.freedumbbellworkouts.com/6weekrippedreport]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gustav_Thompson

How To Get Ripped Abs With Simple Strength Training

To make the body stronger, one should perform workouts that involve strength training, especially ones that focus on core strength. Having strong core muscles is greatly beneficial for overall body strength, and should be the main focus for anyone wanting to strengthen and tone their muscles.

Strength training is the process of gaining muscle strength by working them against some sort of physical resistance. This can be done with free weights or by using weight machines. Some machines use actual weights for constant resistance, and others use bendable bands that increase in resistance the more they are bent. Many exercises, such as pushups and sit ups, simply involve using one's own body weight to provide resistance, and require no extra equipment.

It's becoming more and more common the incorporate strength training into overall workout routines. Aerobic exercises, such as running, bike riding or swimming are great for the body's endurance, but are not the most effective way to build strength when done alone. When both strength and aerobic exercises are combined, they can complement each other to give the body a good balance of power and stamina. Just like training with aerobic exercises, the process of building muscle requires setting and meeting specific goals over time. When doing a full-body workout, many experts recommend doing strength exercises right after warming up, and before moving on to cardiovascular exercises.

Even for someone who exercises regularly, adding strength training into their routine can add a whole new dimension to working out, and even make it more enjoyable. The variety of exercises that a person can choose from is nearly endless, so working out never has to become too repetitive. Most exercises focus on specific parts of the body, which allows someone to pick and choose from the ones they find most enjoyable or most beneficial. For anyone wanting tighter abs, everything from stomach crunches to pushups and pull ups can be done as part of the routine.

Strength training is not the same as bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is considered a competitive sport. While it certainly does involve strength training, the main goal if bodybuilding is to increase muscle mass and bulk. Strength training is a form of exercise. It focuses on making the body stronger as a whole, and should be integrated with other forms of exercise for optimal fitness.

Increased muscle power is far from the only benefit that it brings. In addition to more energy, increased stamina, and, more toned muscles, it has been shown to have many positive health effects. Those who regularly perform strength exercises have been shown to have lower rates of heart disease and osteoporosis. It is used by physical therapists to offset disability, and to rehabilitate patients who have been injured. Whatever the situation, the same basic principles will always apply.

Strength training is not just for hardcore fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. It is for anyone who wants to be in good shape, wants to have well-toned abs, legs, or biceps, or anyone who simply wants to live a fuller life.

To get more free fitness tips and information, visit my fitness website.

Alejo Arizona is a performer and fitness expert based out of beautiful Jerome, Arizona.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alejo_Arizona

DISCOVER SECRET How to Build Muscle - Male Or Female

Everyone wants to have a nice body that is well toned, strong, and lean, however most people just are not willing to do the work required to get there. They would rather rely on products that make bold promises than good old fashioned hard work. People should take working out more seriously, it is a good way to keep yourself healthy and with plenty of endurance. You can workout to build muscle whether you're male or female and see good results if you know the right way to do it. Women are not much different from men when it comes to building muscle, muscles are muscles and they work the same way no matter what. The key is learning how to build muscle.

Women are heavily into aerobic exercising and jogging. They want to keep the fat off and are not that worried about building muscle. They will use universal sets and resistance training to help them get to the desired goal. Some women who are more serious about building muscle will lift heavier weight, and they can do it just as well as any man can. If they are willing to do the same exercises and break down their muscles tissue so that it can build up stronger there is no reason they won't see the same results as a man.

Women and men only differ in the physical makeup, men are designed to have more muscle than women are and women are built to carry more body fat. So it only makes sense women will want to do more exercises that are about burning fat rather than building muscle. They usually focus on the muscle building part after they have lost a little bit of weight.

Men will hit the weights hard so that they can bulk up. Building muscle will come easier to men because they are predisposed to gaining muscle. This does not mean that the same principals don't apply as it concerns the two sexes. Proper nutrition is needed of course, as well as a good recovery time and a solid workout that will be maintained. Women just do not go at it as hard as men do because they don't care to be bulky or look too much like a man physically. But they can still look rather appealing with a nice lean body.

Whether you're a man or a woman you will have to be very committed to your regimens and routines. You will have to eat right so you are feeding your body the proper things instead of junk, and you will have to be consistent in your approach. Men and women may not work out the same way, but they gain muscle the same way.

If you're a woman and you want to know how to build muscle then take on more of a free weight approach, if you are a man and want to gain muscle then you have to feed your muscles, workout till excess so that your muscles tissue is regenerating and growing stronger. Both sexes can realize the muscle growth they want if they remember these principals.

Visit this site for reviews of the top 3 muscle building and workout guides available today; http://www.BeforeUBuyReviews.com/WorkoutGuides Explore the best How To Build Muscle training here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Bryson

3 Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast Without Using Weights or Machines

While it is true that exercises which require weights and machines to build up muscles are effective, the truth is that they are not always practical or expedient. For instance, some people have no time to go to a commercial gym and they may not be able to afford to buy standard exercise machines and weights to workout at home. However, here are some effective yet little known tips which will help you build muscles just as fast even without resorting to using weights or exercise machines.

1. Eat a diet rich in proteins

In the clamor to promote ever new exercise routines for muscle builders, many health and wellness experts forget to tell their pupils that ultimately; without taking the right nutrients, all those workouts are in vain. Muscles are made of proteins and taking a sufficient quantity will help you bulk even faster. The recommended daily protein intake for women is 46 grams while men need 53 grams. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding require even more proteins.

2. Exercise your core muscles five times a week

Plank exercises are especially effective when it comes to strengthening and building up your chest and arm muscles. To perform a plank exercise, spread a yoga mat on the floor and lie on your stomach with your body held straight. Resting your weight on your forearms and toes, steadily raise your body and hold it up for fifteen seconds. Repeat this at least twice before resting. Gradually increase the duration of each plank up to a minute.

An exercise ball can also be used to effectively build your core muscles by performing back extensions and crunches. To perform a back extension exercise, lie on your stomach on the exercise ball. Lift your body off the ball using your back muscles. Repeating the process for at least 15 back extensions daily should be enough.

For crunches, place the ball beneath your lower back with the knees bent on the floor. You should then lift your back a couple of inches off the ball. A total of 25 extensions per exercise session are recommended for strengthening and building up your back muscles.

3. Backpack Pushups

Pushups are universally recognized as effective muscle building exercises and their simple yet intensive routine adds an extra measure of appeal. However, your body can adjust quickly to the stress produced by run-of-the-mill pushups making your regular routine ineffective in your bid to build up muscles fast.

Some innovative wellness experts have realized that pushups can be made even more effective if they are performed while carrying a backpack. The amount of weight in the backpack will depend on your own needs and endurance.

If you have been struggling to build up muscles, the cause of your frustration may not necessarily be lack of exertion but rather using ineffective means to achieve results. In fact, many people believe that you can only build muscles quickly if you invest in costly exercise machines and weights. As the tips above illustrate however, you do not need to go to such lengths to build muscles fast.

Discover more tips and tricks on how to build muscle with effective lessons and methods. If you want to know how to build muscle fast then you must read my The Big Muscle Formula website.

Achieve your muscle building goal starting today by clicking on one of the links above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Louis_Prince

4 Ways to Gain Lean and Hard Muscle Quickly

Do you want to gain lean and hard muscle?

Most bodybuilders find it hard to gain lean and high quality muscle. Here are some easy tips that can help boost muscle growth in your body:

1. Lift like a Hulk

If you want to increase your muscle size, you need to lift heavy. You must use the heaviest weight that you can lift and do 6-10 reps in a set. If your aim is to increase muscle mass, there is no point in doing more than 10 reps in a single set.

When lifting heavy, make sure that you have spotter close by to assist you if you need some help. If you feel that you are not doing the movement properly, reduce the weight and try again. Once you get the movement right, you can increase dumbbell or barbell weight gradually.

2. Eat More

Diet and exercise go hand in hand. After a heavy workout you need to feed to your body with enough proteins and carbs so that your muscles can recover and grow in strength and size.

Increase your protein intake but cut down on saturated fats and simple sugars. Moreover, you must try to have something every two hours.

Try to include eggs, oatmeal, fish like salmon, peanut butter, broccoli, chicken, lean meat etc. in your diet. You must also try to include whey protein in your diet. It happens to be the most popular bodybuilding supplement.

3. Do Some Cardio

Cardio is good for burning fat. It is good for increasing blood circulation too. Blood carries a lot of nutrients that can help your muscles to grow.

However, you need to remember that your aim is not to run a marathon. Just 10-15 minutes, 3-4 days a week is more than enough if your aim is to increase lean muscle. Anything more than that can make it hard for you to gain muscle.

4. Use a Good Muscle Gainer

Muscle gaining supplements are immensely popular among bodybuilders. Such supplements increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the body. They not only increase muscle mass in your body but also help boost strength and stamina.

Another advantage is that they can help speed up recovery after a hard and intense training session.

Some of the best supplements can help boost growth hormone also. HGH or human growth hormone plays a very important role in muscle growth in your body.

So, if you want to gain pounds of lean muscle mass, check out the most powerful Muscle Gaining Supplement that has been getting incredible reviews from users.


Check out the most powerful muscle building supplement that can help you gain 10-15 pounds of lean muscle in just 45-60 days by visiting http://bodybuildingforpros.com/ana-gh-review/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Spears

Best Creatine Solution for Building Muscles Swiftly

Bodybuilding has long been associated with masculinity and good looks, but in today's age having a dream physique defines much more than that. Being in a perfect shape not only ensures that you look good, it also ensures that you live long and healthy. This is perhaps the reason that more people are now turning towards gaining muscles regardless of their gender or the part of the world they come from. Today, bodybuilding has become one of the most sought after ways for the health conscious to ensure a perfectly healthy and muscular body.

Now, when we start bodybuilding, most of us need to put of a lot of weight or rather, gain muscles. Here, consuming best creatine solution can greatly help in enhancing the rate at which muscles are developed. Unlike other supplements available in the market, creatine solutions if made by a trusted name in the business don't cause harmful side effects associated with the prior. As a matter of fact, creatine supplements are highly recommended by all fitness experts and trainers.

When it comes to selecting the best creatine solution the market has to offer, it is recommended that you buy premium quality supplement only as poor quality ones may cost a lot less than premium quality ones, but their poor efficacy makes them a complete wastage of money. Hence, always consult your trainer or join a bodybuilding forum to find out the most suitable creatine supplement as per the structure of your body. Again, never consume poor quality supplements as they can potentially harm your body.

When training in the gym, many people get exhausted pretty soon and are unable to complete their daily routine as they should. This is due to lack in the energy level in their body. In order to address such issues, it is recommended that you include a pre-workout supplement such as Jack3d in your daily diet. These supplements offer the energy needed by bodybuilders to complete their workout routine seamlessly while enhancing their concentration power for easily targeting specific muscles.

Those of you who are planning to buy bodybuilding supplements would find online shopping to be a great help. With internet connectivity, regardless of whether you need to but the best creatine supplement the market has to offer or a Jack3d pre-workout supplement, discovering suitable e-stores is just a matter of couple of minutes. With internet shopping, you can browse, buy and get your supplements delivered right at your door without facing any hassles whatsoever.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to Best Creatine and Jack3d.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Puja_P_Rai

Health Benefits of Muscle Building

Everyone knows that muscle is much more attractive than fat. So when you lose weight, you want to build more muscle and not just diet to lose fat. But there are other health benefits to building muscle mass that should motivate you to hit the gym.

First of all, when you build muscle, you automatically reduce your percentage of body fat. And, you look better too. Muscle mass is approximately half as big as the mass of fat deposits.

That means that while five pounds of fat is approximately the size of three grapefruits, five pounds of muscle is more like three tangerines. Therefore, if you are exercising to lose weight, don't be surprised if you actually gain weight. This is not a bad thing! It means you are building muscle mass, and you will look much slimmer than before.

Other health benefits of building muscle mass include burning calories more quickly. Muscles use energy, fat just stores it. So when you have more muscles, you will burn more energy and maintain a healthy body weight more easily.

You do not have to build a lot of muscle mass to reap the benefits. Studies show that building only five pounds of muscle mass will make you healthier and more able to fight off disease. It doesn't take long to build muscle mass, either. Just thirty minutes three times a week is enough to reach your goals.

Lifting weights is the obvious way to build muscle mass, but swimming, running, or even walking will build muscle mass as well.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Health-Fitness-Solutions.com [http://www.Health-Fitness-Solutions.com] He provides more health related advice and muscle building secrets [http://www.health-fitness-solutions.com/Muscle-Building-Secrets.html] that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Gorman

Solutions For Muscle Mass Gaining Problems

Do you have a tough time adding size to your physique? You lift heavy, sleep at least eight hours, and take good care of yourself. You follow a strict bodybuilding diet, opting for piles and piles of yellow rice, pasta, chicken breasts, and lean cuts of turkey. The problem is, despite all of your best efforts, you are just unable to consume enough calories to actually add weight to your frame.

Now, you could add the weight if you wanted to toss in 5 Twinkies and a whole lotta cinnamon rolls to your daily diet. However, this would obviously result in gastrointestinal distress, spiking insulin levels, loss of energy, and a nice spare tire on your waistline. Pass on the junk food, and consider beef instead. Here are a few reasons why it should be consumed daily by the bulking bodybuilder.


There's a reason steak costs so much at fancy restaurants - it tastes great! Chicken, pork and turkey taste good, and eggs can taste nice when prepared correctly. But when it comes to taste, does anything really beat a mouth-watering steak? Beef rules the taste roost!

Protein profile

In terms of amino acid profiles, whey protein is the most complete protein. But beef is right behind it. If you're looking for a food that can deliver the most muscle building aminos, choose whey. If you need high amino profiles coupled with required fats and higher calories, you should opt for beef.


Beef delivers a blend of protein and fat which is ideal for the 20- or 30-something bodybuilder trying to add mass to his frame. It provides lots of calories, essential fats, and muscle-building protein. Plus, the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that come with beef consumption are nothing to scoff at either!


This isn't really a word, but it certainly defines why beef is preferable to chicken and turkey in particular. You can chew up an ounce of beef in about five seconds. The same ounce of chicken will take considerably longer. In a hobby such as bodybuilding which requires you to do a great deal of chewing, eliminating a few hundred repetitions each day can be a blessing. If you like to eat fast, then beef is your new best friend!

Variable delivery methods

You can obtain beef in dozens of forms, from hamburger and roast beef to steak and beef tips. These forms can be prepared using a variety of methods, from broiled to fried to grilled to roasted, and more. If you're tired of the same cooking techniques, give beef a chance!

Widely available

You can grab a hamburger at any drive through in America. You can pick up a pack of roast beef in any deli or grocery store in the world. Beef is readily available when you need it, with or without being cooked. You can't say the same things about eggs, a meal requiring a kitchen and frying pan (along with 15 minutes of prep time) to enjoy. Beef is fast, readily available, and it helps you to build muscle!

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher