When it comes to building muscle you'll find a lot of information out there. With literally tens of thousands of tips where do you begin and what is most important to build muscle faster? There are a few things that you must keep in mind everyday if you want to continually build lean muscle tissue. It's a combination of workout out smarter not harder and eating precisely what your body needs to fuel growth. It's not about eating as much as you possibly can each day and hoping for the best. This will cause you to end up fat and the fatter you look the smaller your muscles appear.
Shorter Workouts
The king of muscle building hormones in your body is testosterone. Your body produces it naturally so you want to maximize its production and avoid things that will decrease it. It's been proven that when you workout for longer than 50-60 minutes your body's testosterone levels begin to rapidly decrease by up to 75%. This is detrimental to your muscle building goals so the best thing to do is shorten your workouts to no more than 45 minutes in length. It's o.k. to do some light cardio afterwards but the intensive weight lifting must stop at that point. This can greatly work to your advantage though because you want quality workouts where you exert yourself to your maximum rather than pacing yourself so that you can endure marathon lifting sessions of an hour or more.
Free Weights are King
Many gyms are equipped with all sorts of fancy equipment and machines but if you are looking to build muscle faster you need to stay away from them. They have their place in a fitness plan but they won't deliver on building slabs of muscle. When you hoist a barbell your body recognizes the force and must use stabilizing muscles everywhere to perform the exercise properly. A machine will typically put you into an isolated range of motion without having to use stabilizers. This can make them beneficial for rehabilitation or someone that is extremely weak but putting a heavy load on your body with barbells and dumbbells will force rapid muscular development. Do exercises like squats, deadlifts, weighted dips, and weighted pull ups and you can actually force your entire body to grow without any other exercises. These are the toughest exercises in the gym and if everyone did them they would also find that they truly build muscle faster than anything else.
Post Workout Whey Protein with Carbohydrates
The last thing you absolutely must do to build muscle faster is get plenty of protein right after your workout. Do not miss the 2 hour window of nutrient absorption that is absolutely critical to maximizing your muscle gains. Whey protein is a superior post workout protein because it digests so quickly which will have it into your bloodstream and shuttled to your muscles for recovery quicker than anything else. I suggest 30-50 grams of protein depending on your bodyweight. To make the absorption even more effective take in 50-100 grams of carbohydrates. This is the one time of the day that taking in some foods with sugar can help you build muscle faster without risking fat gain. Eat some fruit or drink some fruit juice for the sugars and take in something starchy as well to give your body some sustained absorption
Follow these 3 keys to success and you will greatly increase your chances to build muscle faster. Neglect them and you may end up being another guy that claims to workout without any muscle to show for it. Don't be that guy!
Build Muscle Faster with the best workout plans for developing massive muscles or get totally ripped with How to Get Ripped Abs and see what it's like to have 6 pack abs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter